My Target dollar bin find
I FREELY admit I am a geek about a lot of things. I was so excited today because I was at Target in the dollar bin section and found these bright pink cones, and I thought they were so cute! Ten buck for twenty cones-I could not resist. Probably a really stupid purchase because I really like when I am teaching classes to be able to set up a couple of the courses before we start so things go faster(I already have some orange cones, and some yellow discs with numbers), BUT since I am losing my ultra cool instructor and my class of people I love because my instructor does not want to teach anymore...;-( (I am going through a big depression over this change of events, and can you imagine anyone NOT wanting to teach me? LOL!), so I probably wont be teaching or subbing they will look good in my back yard and maybe inspire me to set up more little sequences. This is my new tire, not a new frame but the new tire someone gave me and I taped up-I think it turned out pretty smart looking.