Jeremy (as of last week): 38.56%
Chris: 166 lbs, 74 pounds lost, 30.83%
Megan: 189 lbs, 70 pounds lost, 27.03%
Kimmy: 154 lbs, 65 pounds lost, 29.68%
Emily: 175 lbs, 89 pounds lost, 33.71%
Cassandra: 158 lbs, 81 pounds lost, 33.89%
Chism: 265 lbs, 96 pounds lost, 26.59%
Daphne: 204 lbs, 67 pounds lost, 24.72%
Roy (needs to have lost at least 104 to definitely stay in the running): 227 lbs, 79 pounds lost, 25.82%
Adrian (needs to have lost at least 125 to definitely move on): 291 lbs, 79 pounds lost, 21.35%
Nancy (needs to have lost at least 63 to definitely clinch): 168 lbs, 49 pounds lost, 22.58%
Gail (needs to have lost at least 96 to guarantee Stage 2 spot): 249 lbs, 73 pounds lost, 22.67%
Lauren (needs to have lost at least 63 to clinch): 172 lbs, 74 pounds lost, 30.08%
Mike (needs to have lost at least 107 to clinch): 244 lbs, 114 pounds lost, 31.84%
Ben (needs to have lost at least 118 to advance): 297 lbs, 99 pounds lost, 25%
Unfortunately, Chris has been MEDICALLY DISQUALIFIED for the rest of tonight's tasks.
Stage #2: 100-yard dash at night.
FASTEST FIVE- Cassandra, Lauren, Megan, Mike & Jeremy (Kimmy was a close sixth & Emily was last)
Stage #3: Match up several kinds of food servings to their number of calories & hit a buzzer to make the entire board turn green.
Six ounces of 0% fat Greek yogurt: 90
One cup steel-cut oatmeal: 150
Two tablespoons of peanut butter: 180
Two tbs. Extra Virgin olive oil: 240
Once slice of pepperoni & mushroom pizza: 350
Tuna salad wrap: 600
Six chicken wings: 650
Two cups of pasta w/ pesto sauce: 768
Cheeseburger: 910
TOP THREE- Mike, Jeremy & Lauren
FINAL ROUND: Hang onto the giant yellow finale ticket while on a tree stump.
The final outcome of the night...
FIRST ELIMINATED- Lauren (2:35:04)
LAST FINALIST- Jeremy (after over 3:10)