CC: Today's first episode's titled "You've Got to Burn It to Earn It".
Going to 125th & Fifth on a 37-block DOUBLE RIDE (2nd this season) are Allen & Margie.
$100 Round:
1. Rather risque for young kids, what classic nursery rhyme originally featured three maids in a tub instead of three men?
Guess: "Rub a Dub Dub"- CORRECT ($100)
2. Appropriately enough, what city determines college hockey bragging rights w/ a local tournament called The Bean Pot?
Guess: Boston- RIGHT ($200)
3. Causing some substantial controversy, what physician has claimed that his famed maneuver to help victims of asthma & cystic fibrosis?
Guess: (Henry) Heimlich- YES INDEED ($300)(Blocks Left: 27)
4. Known for its pious posture, what long-limbed bug was the official state insect of Connecticut?
Guess: Praying mantis- RIGHT ($400)
$200 Round:
1. Meaning "four rivers" in Mandarin, what Chinese province's the birthplace of Kung Pao Chicken & twice-cooked pork?
Guess: Canton- X (A: Sichuan)
2. To promote energy efficiency, what old-school variety of light bulb did IKEA stop selling last year?
Guess: Incandescent- RIGHT ($600)(BL: 16)
3. Used to describe British currency (as well as a short-lived home entertainment company that was later purchased by Lionsgate), what term applies to a metal alloy that's 92.5% silver?
Guess: Sterling- RIGHT ($800)
4. Unlike the squared circle of a boxing ring, UFC fighters square off in a polygonal cage w/ what official name?
Mobile Shout-Out: Margie's friend Leslie
Guess: The Octagon- OF COURSE ($1K)(BL: 1)
Sole $400 Question: Literally meaning "bent" in French, what squat-like ballet move's the staple of cardio-sculpting workouts?
Guess: Plie- WINS $1,400
Third & 51st await Brian, Mishka, Katie & Dave (all of whom are dressed as exercise nerds). They've got 41 blocks...but lose $300 in seven queries, so they've got their own exercise of walking on their own to where they desired to go; Dave's friend Derek was of no help on their MSO when it came to their second $50 Q.
Riding 37 blocks to 11th & Hudson are David & Dianne.
$50 Round:
1. Before cashing in w/ Campbell's Soup cans, what artist paid the rent by illustrating a children's story titled "Card Games Are Fun"?
Guess: Andy Warhol- GOT HIM ($50)
2. Abbreviated P & S, what variety of camera's designed for shutterbugs who prefer to keep it simple?
Guess: Point & shoot- RIGHT ($100)
3. Featuring the line "I am the Alfa & the Omega", "The New Testament" of "The Bible" was originally written in what classical language?
Guess: Hebrew- X (A: Greek)
4. The Orange Stimulator & the Wooly Worm are devices commonly used by the rubber pants-wearing fans of what variety of angling?
Guess: Fly fishing- RIGHT ($150)
$100 Round:
1. While .us is reserved for U.S. websites, .es is the top level domain for what European nation?
Guess: Spain- CORRECT ($250)
2. Appropriated by the band Rush for a 1981 album, "Exit...Stage Left" was a famous catchphrase of what pink Hanna-Barbera mountain lion?
Guess: Snagglepuss- YOU BET ($350)
3. What global lending agency made a rare appearance in the tabloids due to a 2011 scandal involving its director & a hotel maid?
Guess: International Monetary Fund- RIGHT ($450)(BL: 16)
4. Known as "rocket" in the U.K., what bitter salad green became an unlikely symbol of the liberal elite in the 2008 election?
Guess: Arugula- RIGHT ($550)(BL: 9)
$200 Round:
1. Rare in the U.S., what unappetizing disease's contracted from undercooked pork infected w/ roundworm larvae?
Guess: Trichinosis- RIGHT ($750)
RED LIGHT CHALLENGE: In 1948, the fine art of mixing drinks outlined six basic drinks that every bartender should know. Name four of these six classic cocktails.
Correct drinks given: Martini, Sidecar, Manhattan...but that's it
Others: Old-Fashioned, Daiquiri & Jack Rose
Final Q: A blow to Europeans' fears of influence, what 1898 Chinese uprising's poetically referred to as "The Righteous Fists of Harmony"?
Guess: Boxer Rebellion- WINS $950
(Directorial errors this episode: A strike was put up on the status graphic a little too early in the DR, while $100 was initially forgotten to be rung up in the final game of this episode; this mistake was fixed when the money meter reached $350.)
Winston's on a 35-block solo ride to 59th & 7th.
$50 Round:
1. Appropriately enough, what iconic communist leader once played baseball for a team called Los Barbudos (aka "The Bearded Ones")?
Guess: (Joseph) Stalin (originally Karl Marx)- X (A: Fidel Castro)
2. Immortalized by Steve Jobs, what variety of red apple was named for the Canadian farmer who discovered it in 1811?
Guess: Macintosh- RIGHT ($50)
3. In Australia, what marsupial's threatened by both dwindling eucalyptus forests & a bad case of Chlamydia?
Guess: Koala- RIGHT ($100)(BL: 28)
4. In a document titled "Manifesto of Little Monsters", what Pop diva compares her fans to kings & queens writing the history of our people?
Street S-O: Midtown man
Guess: Lady GaGa- GOT HER EVEN W/ NO HELP ($150)
$100 Round:
1. While it has a distance of 500 miles, the Indy 500 consists of how many laps around the track?
Guess: 499- XX (A: 200)
2. Featuring four multi-colored buttons, what electronic copycat game of the 80's was patterned after an arcade machine called "Touch Me"?
MSO #3: Rishi
Guess: Memory (originally considered Sorry!; he lost in front of a cafe)(A: Simon)
Wanting to get inside the Frick Museum on 70th & 5th Avenues from 30 blocks away are Georgina, Cody (who's holding a cane) & John. They swept their openers while in the rain & have 10 blocks to go.
$100 Round:
1. In Hip-Hop parlors, what standard piece of DJ equipment's known as "the wheels of steel"?
Guess: Turntable- RIGHT ($300)
2. Short for continuous positive airway pressure, a CPAP machine's used to treat what snoring-related sleep disorder?
Guess: Sleep apnea- RIGHT ($400)
3. Abbreviated NM, what collector's term denotes that a comic book or baseball card's in almost-perfect condition?
Guess: Near mint- RIGHT ($500)
RLC #2: According to a 2011 Harris poll, America's 10 favorite movie stars include John Wayne & nine contemporary actors/actresses. Name six of the other nine (2/3 of them).
Correct stars given: Meryl Streep, George Clooney, Angelina Jolie & Sandra Bullock
Others: Clint Eastwood, Johnny Depp, Denzel Washington, Tom Hanks & Julia Roberts (BL: 5)
4. Prized by Inca royalty for its supremely-soft wool, the Vicuna's the national animal of what South American country?
Guess: Peru- YES INDEED ($600)
Sole $200 Q: Featuring irrational gun-toting robots, what classic '80s video game spawned a sequel named "Frenzy"?
MSO #4: Georgina's friend Ryan
Guess: "Berzerk"- SWEEP ($800)
Alexis, Larry, Raji (woman) & Josh take the last taxi ride of the day for 41 blocks to 2nd Ave. & 12th Street...their only mistake came on their last $100 Q because Josh's friend Pete Nackimo was a useless MSO (& I think a failed RLC was edited out of their game at the $400 mark). But let's now focus on this biggie:
$2,200 VIDEO BONUS: These are the cliffs of La Quebrada, where performers take the perilous plunge into the Pacific over 100 feet below. Requiring perfect timing w/ the incoming tide, this death trap for divers is an iconic attraction of what Mexican resort city?
They're answering Acapulco...& they can afford to go there w/ their 22 bills!
WoF: We're on the NYC set tonight to start the season's third America's Game Week.
$1K T-U: On the Map
_ T _ A _ _ A
G _ _ _ _ _ _
Ashley solves ATLANTA, GEORGIA, the home city for the current season of "Family Feud". But here in Culver City, CA, tonight's puzzle solvers are:
Ashley Hollier (New Orleans for five years; originally from Lafayette)- An Internet marking firm worker/aspiring comedienne
Carlton Martin (Sahuarita, AZ)- An accounts manager for a global financial company & sports fan who's married to Stephanie for 11 yrs. & has a three yr. old son named Justin
Rachel Stone (up S.F. Way)- An Arts & Sciences class scheduler at the University of S.F. who's also pursuing her Master's Degree in Public Health & is married to Adam w/ a rescue dog named Bailey (who usually helps out at nursing homes)
$2K T-U: Around the House
A L _ _ M
_ _ _ _ _
Carlton smashes this ALARM CLOCK to gain control.
Monday's Prize Wedge: Hilton Quebec ($5,700)
Gift Tag: 76 gas card
Meineke Jackpot Round: Song Lyrics
After Pat asks Jimmy if he's ever stumbled on a word or two, Carlton's calls begin w/ five T's for $1.5K, then he buys two E's & I's, calls three L's for another $2,400 & buys two A's. After Free Playing the O & buying the U to round out the vowels, he gets two S's for another $600 & we have...
S T A _ / _ U S T / A
L I T T L E / _ I T
L O _ _ E _
...he solves "STAY JUST A LITTLE BIT LONGER" from the song "Stay" by Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs for a final haul this round of $3.5K.
Current Scores:
Rachel: $0/Ashley: $1K/Carlton: $5.5K
Mystery Round: Same Letter
Coming from Rachel's mouth first is a dud in R. Secondly, Ashley calls an L for the Wild Card but then a dud of S while on the Mystery Wedge in between FP & Lose a Turn. Third, Carlton FPs an I but then calls a baddie of N. Fourth, Rachel FPs an E quartet, finds a T good for $3.5K but then duds out w/ an A purchase. Ashley then lands on the other MW & calls two B's, then gives back the $2K to wager her's the 10 grand! She then gets the blue 1/2 KIA because of a $500 Y & the two U's to clean out the vowel department, then she tries to solve what's up there...
_ U T E
_ _ U B B Y -
_ _ E E _ E _
_ _ I L _
...& she manages to recognize a CUTE, CHUBBY-CHEEKED CHILD for that $10K wedge, another $250 on the side, the lead & stays in control.
DUDS: A (Rachel), $900 N (Carlton), $550 R (Rachel), S (Ashley)
Current Scores:
Rachel: NIL/Ashley: $11,250 (1/2 KIA)(WC)/Carlton: $5.5K
Prize Puzzle Round: Phrase
First for Ashley now are three $500 S's & R's, w/ the latter trio earning her a 1/2 KIA from the same wedge as before, then come an A, a couple of E's, a $1,200 F couplet, the same quantity of O's & two Y's to add $1,600 to the mix...
_ ' _ / R E A _ Y
F O R / _ Y
S _ R F _ _ _
_ E S S O _
...& she rightly says "I'M READY FOR MY SURFING LESSON" for another $5,050 in moolah, the '12 KIA Soul & a surfing adventure at the Hilton Waikoloa Village worth $6,715, making this round worth to her $26,765 in cash & prizes!
TONIGHT'S SPIN ID: LW1520053 (Loreen W.)
Current Scores:
Rachel: NADA/Ashley: $38,015 in cash & stuff (WC)/Carlton: $5.5K
$3K T-U: Place
A _ L - _ _ G H T
D _ _ _ _
Rachel will thank an ALL-NIGHT DINER for getting her on the scoreboard.
R4: Thing
Going down Rachel's road first are a $550 R, three E's, a $1,200 pair of T's, an I couple but then an S stops her in her tracks. Right after a $3K half-dozen N's called by Ashley are a $400 L, the pair of A's & the trip O's...
_ _ E N O _ E N O N least on this stage so far, she's looking like an INTERNATIONAL PHENOMENON herself w/ $2,900 more.
SOLE DUD: S (Rachel)
Current Scores:
Rachel: $3K/Ashley: $40,915 in cash & goodies (WC)/Carlton: $5.5K
Last Chance Round: What Are You Doing?
We'll hand out for each consonant...$1.5K. Carlton calls two L's...
L _ _ G H _ N G
_ _ T / L _ _ _
...& he's LAUGHING OUT LOUD to the tune of $6K; no extra three thou for our champion.
Final Scores:
Rachel: $3K/Ashley: $40,915 in cash & stuff (WC)/Carlton: $11.5K
GT: $55,415
Big Money Round #114: The N in WIN & is where Ashley's final spin of the wheel stops.
Category: Thing
Previously used in '04, this bonus board starts remarkably like this:
_ _ N _ - _ _
T _ _
BCMAG (& she mistakenly said M a second time when asked for her WC consonant pick) are nowhere to be found in this puzzle, last time I remember...but she still cranks up a WIND-UP TOY w/ about three seconds left! And after her mom Maxine gets up on stage too early (w/ dad Aaron soon to follow), we show her that she's won...
...another 30 $1K bills, making her the biggest "Wheel" winner of '12 to date w/ $70,915 in cash & merchandise- that's awesome, Ashley; congratulations!
Video Bonus: More Signs of a Turnaround on America's Game Weeks This Season?
J!: Let's see who we've got opposing David Gard:
Tony Grey (L.A.)- Purchasing distributor
Nina Stanton (Louisville, KY)- A specialist for the National Center on Tribal Childcare
First Topics of the Week:
WHERE AM I? (Clue Crew clues)
Nina's the leader at halftime w/ $3,400; both guys have $1,600 to their credit so far. Once the Daily Double's discovered by David from the $800 Where Am I? answer w/ $2,600, the entire panel's separated by $800, w/ Tony in third place w/ $1,600. For an additional $1,400 & the lead, here's the Video DD clue from Kelly Miyahara:
I'm in this world capital, where eight miles from the Atlantic, the Tagus River broadens into what's called the "Sea of Straw".
NO response from him; I thought for sure it was S.F. based on the bridge I saw, but the actual place Kelly was in was Lisbon, Portugal. In any event, David's down to last w/ $1,200 & loses another grand w/ an incorrect response on its last clue, also read by Kelly. Not enough time for either the $400 or $600 Civil War Slang, but it's still a tight match w/ David at $2,200, which is $1,200 off of Nina's lead; Tony's starting Double Jeopardy! w/ $1,600.
DJ! Lineup:
Nina has a DD turn up for her at the end of New to the OED w/ $8,200 & a $400 margin over David; Tony has re-doubled his previous score to $3,200. She takes a $3K risk on this answer:
Eight-letter word for an especially vigorous microorganism, like a bacterium that's become drug-resistant.
She also BLANKS OUT; that's called a superbug & she's back in second at $5,200. The $2K Essay houses Tony's DD & he's in second w/ $6K, trailing David for first by three; Nina's slid even further to $3,600. Tony will tie the game up at $9K a guy if he responds right on this:
In this 1841 essay, Ralph Waldo Emerson urged people to trust their own judgement above that of all others.
"What is 'On Civil Disobedience'?"...was incorrect. It was "Self-Reliance" & now he's back in third. Time expires before we can find out about the $800 or $1,200 Pretty Good Models.
Scores After DJ!:
David: $14,200 (lock game!)
Nina: $3,600
Tony: $4,600
David: $15,600
Nina: $6,600
Tony: $7,600
FINAL J! SUBJECT: Civilizations.
Starting in the 300s B.C., Hellenistic civilization was spread from this land where a new country was declared in 1991.
The challengers are right w/ "What is Macedonia?", but the champ isn't w/ "What was Greece?"...
Nina: $3,595 = $7,195
Tony: $3K = $7,600
David: $4,900 = $9,300
...but Dave's two-day total's $38,600.
Millionaire Monday:
Rebecca Dixon's Game (a former emotional "Jeopardy!" champion!)
Game 2
Start of Game 3
(Also on "Let's Make a Deal" this morning: Erika didn't win the Rocky Mountaineer Big Deal that had $5K added to it behind Door #2 today, but still left w/ Door #3's contents of a living room w/ The Maids service, all worth $6,497.)
Episode ratings:
"Ca$h Cab":
9 AM: 7
9:30 AM: 8
9: "Wheel of Fortune"
7: "Jeopardy!" & "The Price is Right"
6: "Let's Make a Deal" & "Millionaire"
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- March '12 Ratings Report #5
- Next "Deal" airdate schedule update
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- A few notes
- "project RUNWAY: All-Stars"- GRAND FINALE
- "American Idol" 3/22
- 3/22/2012 Results
- "American Idol" 3/21
- "The Challenge: Battle of the Exes" 3/21
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- "Newlywed" NOT cancelled after all
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- "Dancing with the Stars"- 14TH SEASON PREMIERE
- 3/19/2012 Results
- Next Week in Game Shows: Mar. 19-25
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- "The Amazing Race XX" 3/18
- 3/18/2012 Results
- "The Ultimate Fighter" 3/16
- March '12 Ratings Report #4
- 3/16/2012 Results
- "project RUNWAY: All-Stars" 3/15- FINALE, PART 1
- "American Idol" 3/15
- 3/15/2012 Results
- Aussie "Price" notes
- "AMERICA'S NEXT top model: British Invasion" 3/14
- "The Challenge: Battle of the Exes" 3/14
- "Survivor: One World" 3/14
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- MORE BN: GSN picks up Harvey "Feud"
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- "The Challenge: Battle of the Exes" 3/7
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- 3/7/2012 Results
- "Top Shot IV" 3/6
- "The Biggest Loser: No Excuses" 3/6