Rishi Bhandari doesn't have to answer this next query if he doesn't feel like it (which would mean $31,750 for him), but if he answers it correctly, he'll be the second Classic Millionaire entrant this season.
For $65.5K: In the humor book Yiddish for Dogs, the definition of the word "putz" is given next to a photo of a dog wearing what?
A: Lab coat
B: Lingerie
C: Dunce cap
D: Monocle
FA: Dunce cap- RIGHT
CM #2:
$100K (War & Peace): During The Civil War, Northern Democrats who opposed fighting the South were given what snake-inspired nickname?
A: Keelbacks
B: Copperheads
C: Sidewinders
D: Diamondbacks
FA: Copperheads- YES!
(Note: Drum beats have been added to the background music for the $100K level.)
$250K (World History): According to Italian author Ruggero Marino's theory, Pope Innocent VIII's the father of what historical figure?
A: Christopher Columbus
B: Joan of Arc
C: Johannes Gutenberg
D: Leonardo da Vinci
BAILOUT (A: Columbus- which he would've said)
But he still has a nice birthday gift as is.
Phoebe Search's a 4th Grade teacher from Edgewater, NJ & the mom of twin boys.
Categories: Mapping America, Halfway There, Paring Down, Border Nation, Fashion Forward, Quick Bites, Before Apple, Nothing to Lose, An Ear for Music & It's in the Cards
1. Though it was eventually renamed, it's believed that a British surveyor gave the name River Glades to a large marshy area that later became part of what U.S. state?
A: Kentucky
B: Michigan
C: Florida
D: Tennessee
FA: FL- $2K
2. "Half Evil Tattoo" is part of the name of a Saskatoon, Canada tattoo parlor whose full name logically begins w/ what numbers?
A: 111
B: 222
C: 333
D: 444
FA: 333- $100 ($2,100)
3. What's the name of a new dieting program where participants are held accountable to their
social network contacts by announcing what they consume?
A: Tweet What You Eat
B: iDiet
C: Like Me for Weight Loss
D: Pin Your Way to Thin
FIRST JUMP USED (A: Tweet What You Eat- she would've been right)- $25K
4. Calling its outline "kidney-shaped", the travel guide series Lonely Planet insists "There is no place like..." where?
A: Israel
B: Kenya
C: Hungary
D: Argentina
OTHER JUMP USED (A: Hungary)- $5K
5. "Skinny-jeans tug-of-war" & "horn-rimmed-glass-throwing" are two of the featured events in what annual "Olympics" of style?
A: Punk Olympics
B: Hipster Olympics
C: Bohemian Olympics
D: Preppy Olympics
FA: Hipster- $3K ($5,100)
6. The father of an Iowa boy who bit 11 students at his middle school told police that his son did it after watching what movie?
A: "The Avengers"
B: "The Hunger Games"
C: "Twilight"
D: "Transformers"
FA: "The Hunger Games"- GAME OVER (A: "Twilight")
Q of the Day: Named after the village he was discovered in, and not for his love of cheese, a 9K-year-old British skeleton's called what?
A: Gorgonzola Man
B: Cheddar Man
C: Havarti Man
D: Gouda Man
A: Cheddar
$1K Contestant #3: Daniel Mecca (Stamford, CT)- Tourism/Hospitality student
Long before founding apple, Steve Jobs had a job entertaining children at a mall while dressed as a character from what story?
A: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
B: Winnie-the-Pooh
C: Peter Pan
D: Pinocchio
FA: Peter Pan- LOSS (A: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
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