"Millionaire" 9/4

We have our first Virginia player this season- Nikki Hudgins from Norfolk (who says she's single)!

Pre-Randomized Categories:
Legal Street Art, Nun Fun, Stormy Temper, Talking Cars, Science Exhibit, Influential Women, Special Skills, Author Opinions, Circle in the Sky & Rap Ancestor

Randomized Categories: Nun Fun, Talking Cars, Special Skills, Circle in the Sky, Stormy Temper, Influential Women, Legal Street Art, Author Opinions, Rap Ancestor & Science Exhibit

1. "Nuns rock!" is a glowing review featured on the website of what recent Broadway play?

A: "Billy Elliot"

B: "Sister Act"
C: "Chicago"
D: "Jersey Boys"

"Sister Act"- $100

2. As a tribute to his roles in another PIXAR film, what actor had a small part as the voice of "Woody Car" in the film "Cars"?

A: Kevin Spacey

B: Tom Hanks
C: John Goodman
D: Tim Allen

Tom Hanks- $25K ($25,100)

3. Sabrage, the art of opening a champagne bottle w/ a saber, was popularized by what military leader's army?

A: Alexander the Great

B: Napoleon Bonaparte
C: Julius Caesar
D: Robert E. Lee


A: 9%

B: 83%
C: 1%
D: 7%

Napoleon- $1K ($26,100)

4. Known as a "22-degree halo", a ring around the sun or moon is caused by light refracted by what?

A: Ice crystals

B: Ozone layer
C: Dust particles
D: Ocean surface

(A: Ice crystals; she was leaning towards dust particles or ocean surface instead)- $10K

5. Which of these weather phenomena is said to have gotten its name from a one-legged Mayan diety who sought to destroy humankind w/ a great flood?

A: Blizzard

B: Tornado
C: Squall
D: Hurricane

(A: Hurricane; she almost locked in squall)- $2K

6. In her write-up in Time's 2012 list of "The 100 Most Influential People", who was called "...an extremely wealthy trash talking gal from Jersey"?

A: Tyra Banks

B: Rosie O'Donnell
C: Chelsea Handler
D: Rachael Ray

WALKS W/ $13,050
(A: Chelsea; she would've selected Rosie)

Would you believe it, this next player's also from VA- Clarence Tucker, Jr. from Suffolk (a physical therapist at a nursing home who watches this show weekdays at 10 AM; he also was a former "World Series of Pop Culture" player)!

Category List:
Animal Magnetism, Say Cheese, Money Matters, Humble Beginnings, Germ Fright, Not What I Meant, Weight and See, Movie Magic, Great Debaters & Clam It

1. Valentine's Day cards made by the Cincinnati Zoo this yr. featured the phrase "Stand Necks to Me" w/ a photo of two what?

A: Gorillas

B: Penguins
C: Giraffes
D: Kangaroos

Giraffes- $7K

2. An iconic photograph titled "Harlem, 1958" features Dizzy Gillespie, Count Basie & dozens of other what?

A: Politicians

B: Film actors
C: Jazz musicians
D: Baseball players

Jazz musicians- $2K ($9K)

3. Appropriately, a company that declares bankruptcy a second time's said to be filing for what?

A: Chapter 22

B: Chapter 24
C: Chapter 26
D: Chapter 28

26 (A: 22; he thought of Chap. 13 instead of 11)

Our last player this day might be Andrew Tyler from Dallas (a recently engaged medical student).

Subject List:
TV buzz, 007 For Kids, Sign of the Times, Stressful Times, Angry Origins, Bag Family, Musical Names, Job Opportunities, Athlete's Feet & Food Display

1. Earlier this yr., "Weekend Update" anchor Seth Meyers shot down a rumor that he was leaving "SNL" to join who as a co-host?

A: Anderson Cooper

B: Brian Williams
C: Kelly Ripa
D: Guy Fieri


A: 4%

B: 1%
C: 94%
D: 1%

Kelly Ripa- $2K

2. Which of the following children's books was written by James Bond author Ian Fleming?

A: Pat the Bunny

B: Horton Hears a Who!
C: Everybody Poops
D: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang- $25K ($27K)

Q of the Day:
m&m candies are named for their creators, two men whose last names are Mars & what?

A: Morgenstern

B: Mancuso
C: Murrie
D: Mercer


3. In deference to the social networking demands of its audience, tickets by what descriptive name are starting to be offered at theaters around the country?

A: facebook nooks

B: Google Grandstands
C: Pinterest Pews
D: tweet seats

(A: tweet seats, which he would've chosen)- $10K

4. Historians have noted that what general's black hair turned completely within the first year of the U.S. Civil War?

A: Ulysses S. Grant

B: William T. Sherman
C: Robert E. Lee
D: Stonewall Jackson
Lee- $3K ($30K)

He'll return tomorrow.



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