TEAMS OF THE WEEK: Georgia's Grace Girls, Victorious Secret & Team Firefighters
1. Jesus predicts that Peter will deny him three times before what happens- the sun sets, the rooster crows, the crow flies or the cows come home?
Mae (GGG): The rooster crows
2. At The Last Supper, the apostles ignore dinnertime manners by arguing. According to Luke 22, what did they argue about- what to eat, where to go next, who would be considered greatest or how much to tip?
Samantha: Who would be considered greatest (20)
3. Dinnertime usually means washing your hands, but at The Last Supper in John 13, Jesus washes his disciples' what- necks, backs, feet or dishes?
Bethany (VS): Feet
1. "With sympathy on your wife turning into a pillar of SALT...but at least the local deer will be happy!"- what husband from The Old Testament would most likely receive this card?
Adam (VS): Lot (35)
2. "Congratulations on your Beautiful New Bride! I hope you married the right one this time!"- who from Genesis 29 married the woman he wanted after getting tricked into marrying someone else?
Adam: Jacob (60)
3. "Congratulations on BOTH your blessings! You're miraculously pregnant AND your husband can't talk for nine months!"- this card's for what woman whose husband Zachariah was struck mute while she was pregnant?
Samantha: Elizabeth (45)
4. "Thank You for not killing me when you invaded my city!...if you ever need any more spies hidden, you know where to find my bordello"- mentioned in Joshua 2, what harlot of Jericho might've sent this card to Joshua?
Mae: Rahab (70)
R3: SET PHASERS TO BLESS (each given word that started w/ Z related to either The Bible or the "Star Trek" universe- God's Word & Captain's Log were the choices):
1. Zelek
Eric & Frank: Captain's Log
2. Zek
Samantha & Lesley: Captain's Log (120)
3. Zadok
Bethany & Jordan: God's Word (110)
R4: LYRICAL MIRACLES (the choir sang the title to this category, as well as some lyrics from "Amazing Grace")
1. "I once was lost, but now am found"- in the parable of the Lost Sheep in Luke 15, what does the shepherd carry the sheep home in?
Eric & Frank: His shoulders (50)
2. "Was blind but now I see"- in John 9, Jesus tells a blind man to wash his eyes in what pool?
Samantha & Lesley: Bethesda (A: The Pool of Siloam, which Mae knew)
3. This song's about how amazing grace can save a person. According to Ephesians 2:8, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through..." what?
Bethany & Jordan: Faith (160)
The Chosen Three #4:
Adam: In Acts 2, which three of these people were mentioned during the speaking in tongues that happened at Pentecost- Roman, Persian, Ethiopian, Babylonian, Egyptian & Arab?
Guesses: Roman, Persian & Ethiopian- ONLY ROMAN WAS RIGHT (A: Egyptian & Arab)(260)
Ryan: According to Proverbs 30, which three of these creatures are "small, yet...extremely wise"- ants, dogs, hedgehogs, lizards, opossums or locusts?
Guesses: Ants, lizards & locusts- IN (350)
Mae: According to The Bible, which three of these people spent time in Egypt- Jesus, Jacob, Jeroboam, Adam, Nicodemus or Lazarus?
Guesses: Jesus, Jeroboam & Jacob- IN (420)
1. In Acts 9, who does Jesus speak to on the road to Damascus?
Eric: Paul
2. Peter writes in Second Peter w/ the Lord a day's like how many years?
Ryan: A thousand
3. In what town did Mary encourage Jesus to turn water into wine?
Frank: Galilee (A: Cana)
4. What did Paul guard during the martyrdom of Stephen?
Eric: The coats
5. What apostle was Peter's brother?
Ryan: Andrew
6. In what town was Mary living when Gabriel spoke to her?
Frank: PASS (A: Nazareth)
7. In Philemon, Paul writes a letter about what slave?
Eric: PASS (A: Onesimus)
8. In which gospel did Jesus speak directly to his mother Mary from the cross?
Ryan: John
9. Paul wrote two of his epistles to the same person- who was it?
Frank: Timothy
FQ: What was the name of the servant girl who answered the door when Peter was released from prison?
A: Rhoda
GGG Order: Mae, Samantha & Leslie
Leslie missed Q #3 by saying Capernaum ..Samantha said James on Q #5...but they got the rest w/ :05 left for the win!
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