I hope this is all going to be taken in the spirit that I mean it, and I don't get kicked off the Susan Garrett Recallers course, LOL. I did sign up for the ultra expensive course and it all kicked off about a week and a half ago with pregames and today was the real start of the program. We all got a very stern note saying that we could not blog about the course or we would be kicked to the curb. I think we can post about our impressions but no videos, no blogging, etc. Ughghg, I find that frustrating because I understand they don't want a blow by blow of the course, but the course takes a commitment of a good amount of time when you have THREE dogs you are doing it with, and it is going to be hard not to talk about how things are going or the funny things one of them is doing with an exercise, or frustrations, or when we have huge break through, and we already have...you know all the things you blog about when you are doing something that takes a lot of your time. I usually talk about seminars and what I learned or what I thought of it because I come home excited and already there are things I would love to talk about but......
Sooo if that is a big part of what I am doing with my dogs, and how I am spending a big chunk of time....what will I be able to find to talk about on my blog???? Guess time will tell about that!
I get that it costs about what it would cost to go to a seminar but I just did not really expect to pay that much for an ecourse. I love doing foundation work and I know all my dogs have some holes in their foundation exercises because that is how I teach things, I get really excited and do a fantastic job and get to a certain point and find something else I am excited about so....I never totally finish most things I teach the dogs. I know Susan Garrett is fantastic about teaching foundation exercises, and I knew it would most likely be things I could find else where but what an opportunity to work along with a course and have to keep on track. I do well with structure. Well, of course I fought signing up, balked at the price, but on the last day I ponied up and was going to sign up for the course. Turns out the course was closed, but when I posted a mad comment about them closing the course before they had advertised Susan responded and said I could call and sign up. Imagine how embarrassing it was when Susan Garrett herself answered the phone after just responding to my snarky email....yep that was a little embarrassing, YES I was the Kathy just posting snarky comments, and saying I would not buy any more of her materials (it really was a snarky comment, I was in a mood though..), but yes I would like to sign up for the course, thankfully she didn't say anything or sound like she put it together who I was... she took my credit card info and I was signed up. The funny thing was the next day they opened up registrations for more people when they found they did have enough room...so I could have just waited and saved myself some embarrassment, but that is not the way I like to do things.
ANYWAY, do think I can say just playing the pre games (and I must say I have been very good doing my homework after committing to the cost of the course....) but Cricket is no longer trying to door dash out the front door, Breeze start line is sooooo beautiful with a rock solid stay and then a blast off the start line when she is released, Crickets start line stay is really LOOKING GOOD, and when there was some people and dogs walking along the street in front of the house today which usually causes a HORRIBLE rukus, none of the border collies got upset or were going nuts, they were QUIET. I did not say a word they were just calm. AND HOLD ONTO YOUR HATS PEOPLE, BUT, I worked on the exercises today and had TWO border collies LAYING DOWN QUIETLY in a stay while the other one worked. All three were able to do that. My dogs highest value thing in the world is getting to work and train and they really go nuts when it is anyone elses turn and they all layed down and relaxed today so I did not have to get everyone and put two dogs away and then listen to them whine while I worked the other one. Yes, just tweaking a few little things in a week and a half has brought about some cool changes. I had the materials before the course to bring about those changes....but doing the course I was forced to actually finish the work.
Sooooo after Breezes injury the vet said swimming would be good for her but if her back end tends to sink to put a life jacket on her. Well, she has been swimming for a good twenty min at a session without stopping or resting...she is swimming obsessed. Now when she swims without the life vest she keeps her back end up really nicely, so think she is getting stronger. Cricket is a butt in the pool, she goes after everyones toys, who ever has a toy that is the one she wants. Lizzie who on land is the biggest softie about toys and lets anyone take any toy rather then make a stink about it, guards the toys in the pool. She swims around with a little low grown and guards the water wubba. They are different dogs in the water. So yea, I know not everyone wants to watch my dogs swimming in circles, but I had to video it anyway. Cricket and Lizzie even have great potential as dock dogs, I think I am going to take them to try it because they both will jump into the pool, which surprised the heck out of me. I had no clue the dogs could get into the pool by themselves.
SO FUNNY THING IS THAT WHEN PRICK EARRED DOGS GO SWIMMING THEIR EARS DROOP. LOL, makes sense I guess but a new fact for me, Lizzie and Cricket look so funny to me when their ears just start falling, LOL. At first I was worried I had broken Crickets ears and they might stay that way, LOL.
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