What a suprise to get a picture in the mail from a trial in JULY??? Dont know how the photographer knew it was Breeze, or how they got my address, but I had written in July and asked if the photographer had a picture of Breeze and never heard anything,.....until January. I have a 8X10 picture in a floating frame of each dog doing agility in the hallway, my Wall Of Fame, LOL, but I did not have any pictures of Breeze. I needed an Aframe picture so I had a nice variety.....and check it out, it is a great Aframe picture, oriented the correct way and the Aframe is gorgeous with the purple rubberized surface-Purple is Breezes color, all her accessories are purple or blue.....so Hey Merry Christmas to me! LOL. The funny part is my hubby does not understand such things....and of course said we should NOT buy the picture...RIGHT! I am of course buying the picture!
Breeze is feeling great and looking at her picture I can not wait until she is in shape to trial again....HOWEVER I injured a hamstring pretty bad and I CAN NOT run...so that has been very frustrating esp...looking at this picture which just makes me want to get out there soooo bad! Breeze and I make quite the team-maybe we could get together and at least plan our injuries to coincide?