Remember, if you don't want to wait until finding out what happened on today's "Price is Right", refer to this link.
LMaD: Sorry, Jay Leno, but this morning's first deal is about some Headlines.
Brittany's Round (dressed as a fitness person): "Water lovers discover exciting prize behind Curtain #1"
DECISION: YES ($1.5K)- Broken amphibious vehicle
Veronica's Round (dressed as a doll): "Missing photojournalist found admiring prizes in Big Box"
DECISION: NO ($1K)- SAMSUNG 40" LCD HDTV w/ HD camcorder & Canon SELPHY printer ($3,150)
Heather's Round (dressed as a pink bunny): "Adventure seekers travel to Curtain #2 to find trip of a lifetime!"
DECISION: YES ($2K)- Five-night trip to the Machaca Hill Rainforest Canopy Lodge & Organic Estate in Punta Gorda, Belize ($8,822)
Kristina (dressed as a chef) is chosen by Jonathan to play the Six Checks Deal for thousands of dollars or the Jeep Wrangler (Curtain #3). The word that needs to be completely lit up today's WINNER.
1. #1- $700 (W-----)
2. #6- $600 ($1,300)(W----R)
3. #5- $500 ($1,800)(W---ER)
4. #5- OOPS
$50 Consolation Roll: TWO ($100)
Keturah becomes a part of the Driver's License Deal; today's predictor will be Mika (dressed as a Hawaiian).
1. Lipstick
2. Picture of herself
PREDICTION: NO- INCORRECT (it's on a driver's license)
3. Pen/pencil
PREDICTION: YES- RIGHT ($1K; Keturah has $1.5K)
Mika's Final Round (BB): YES- BULL BBQ package
Keturah's Round (Curtain #1): NO- AICO dining room ($6,218)
Cynthia's Fast Deal: Cash bookmark inside "The Monster Under My Bed Is Named Jonathan" by Wayne Brady or Curtain #2?
PICK: Bookmark- $260
CURTAIN #2- Gourmet coffee center ($1,589)
Darlene & Julio's Story Time Deal (dressed as superheroes): Curtain #3 (Cinderella)
DECISION: YES ($1,200)- Honda Shadow
If Rachel (dressed as a fairy) has a happy ending in the $1/$2 Seven Envelopes Deal, she'll drive away in a Mazda2 Touring (Curtain #2) worth $16,430.
ENVELOPES: #3, #5, #7 & #2
All she turns down from the Sure Thing Jackpot (Curtain #2) is some backyard furniture & $500, totaling $2,324. The $2 Envelopes are in #7, #2...& #5- PERFECT ROUND (I didn't think she was going to win given the low total value of the STJ)!
Lisa & Melissa (who may be twin ninjas; they've known each other for five to six years) will each get a deal of their own.
Silver Envelope Choices:
Lisa: $20
Melissa: $5
Lisa's Round (Green Box): YES- Salvatore Ferragamo handbag & wallet w/ a year's worth of Besame cosmetics ($3,190)(Money: $280)
Melissa's Round (Blue Box): NO- Eye cream (Money: $2,405)
THE BIG DEAL: Surprisingly...Heather trades back her trip for the opportunity of winning a $24,634 Big Deal of the Day (this is the BD value Jason Block got confused w/ on the same taping day), which may have at least two vacations; she wants to go to New Zealand or somewhere in South America (remember, Belize is in said continent). Door #2's chosen again...but all that's there is the $2,149 Cali Classic scooter.
#1- Trips to Hawaii & Barcelona
#3- Half-cage fitness machine w/ the SAMSUNG 40" LCD HDTV & six months of personal training lessons ($7,439)
GAME #1: Joyners (whose one-day cash winnings total $730) vs. Grzywaczs
Round 1: According to 100 men, name a kind of plastic you'd consider if it were so expensive. The afternoon's first guess (es):
#5: "Schlong" job (11)(Taliah)
#6: Nose job (3)(Damian)
Derek: Liposuction- #2 (25)
Lynnette (a high school head custodian): Breast implants- X
Tiffany: Butt implant- XX
Ibraheem: Cheek reconstruction- XXX
Damian Steal (for 39): Face lift- TIED FOR #3 (14)
#1: Tummy tuck (29)
OTHER ANSWER TIED FOR #4: Hair transplant (14)
R2: Name something a maid might find on the floor of a rock star's hotel room. An idea or two:
#1: Condoms (29)(Kristen)
#2: Drugs (19)(Derek)
Brian: Whiskey bottles/cans- #3 (16)
Noelle: Clothes- #4 (15)
Richard (who got married within a month): Cigarettes (which he's quit doing for six years)- X
Damian: Money- XX
Kristen: Women/rock stars- TIED FOR BOTTOM (2; all people counted)
Brian: Musical instruments- #5 (14)
Noelle: Jewelry- XXX
Taliah Steal (for 95 & the lead): Trash- NO (Grzywacs: 134)(Other Bottom Answer: Vomit)(2)
Double: Name something that's NOT polite to do in another person's face. For instance:
#3: Spit (12)(Lynnette)
#6: Yell/speak (9)(Brian)
Tiffany: Burp/belch- #1 (23)
Ibraheem: Put your hands in their face- X
Taliah: Touch their face- XX
Derek: Mush their face- XXX
Damian Steal (for another 88): Blow smoke- NO
#2: Sneeze (15)
#4: Laugh (10)
OTHER BA: "Cut the cheese" (9)
Triple: Name something brothers borrow from each other. Starting w/:
#1: Underwear/shoes (45; all clothes count)(Tiffany)
Ibraheem: Money- #2 (21)
Taliah: Girls- X
Derek: Cars- TIED FOR BOTTOM (10)
Lynnette: Sporting equipment- XX
Tiffany: Jewelry- XXX
Damian Steal for the Game: Electronics- LOSS (Other BA: Tools)(10)
1. According to 100 married women, how many push-ups do you think your husband could do?
2. Name something only an infant can fit into.
3. Name a sport that requires expensive equipment.
4. Name something people want to do before they turn 30.
5. Name a food people cook when they're camping out.
1. 60- DUD
2. Diaper- 8
3. Football- 19
4. Go skydiving- 4
5. Marshmallows- 5
1. 20- 8
2. Car seat- 23
3. Baseball- DUD
4. Get married- 31
5. Hot dogs- 50
TOTAL- 148
That makes their two-day total $1,470.
1. Five
3. Golf
GAME #2: Schrievers (whose two-day cash winnings total $1,305) vs. Oguchis (who are also returning due to a possible error on their Oct. 4 appearance; full intro used)
R1: If your sex life had a remote control, name a button you'd hit a lot. Starting answer (s):
#1: Rewind/replay (33)(Randy)
Robin (a nurse): Pause- #3 (12)
Crissie: Stop/off- #2 (13)
Rick: Slow-motion- TIED FOR #5 (7)
Phyllis: Change the channel- X
Randy: Record- XX
Robin: Turn it on/start- #4 (10)
Crissie: Increase volume- XXX
Sonny Steal (for 75): Fast forward- #7 (6)(Other Answer Tied for #5: Play)(7)
R2: Name something you might do at a wild house party. First to be said this round:
#2: Drink (28)(Brian)
#4: Have sex (7)(Robin)
Phyllis (a graduate student at Stephen F. Austin University studying Social Work): Dance- #3 (11)
Stephanie: Smoke- X
Kingsley (a point guard): Break things- XX
Sonny: Drugs- #5 (3)
Brian (a fitness instructor/pro basketball player): Yell- XXX
Randy Steal (for 49): Skinny-dipping- #1 (40; counts as stripping/strip poker)(#5: Take drugs)(3)
Double: Name a sport/activity that requires you to play w/ small balls. The first answer or two this time:
#1: Golf (47)(Phyllis O.)
Stephanie: Tennis- #4 (7)
Kingsley: Baseball- TIED FOR BOTTOM (3)
Sonny: Basketball- X
Brian: Polo- XX
Phyllis: Ping-pong- #2 (25)
Stephanie: Racquetball- XXX
Randy Steal (for another 164 & the lead): Croquet- NO (Oguchis: 239)
#3: Billiards/pool (8)
OTHER BA: Jacks (3)
Triple: Name something people check to see if it smells bad. To begin this crucial board:
#1: Milk/food (87)(Stephanie)
Kingsley: Shirt- #3 (3)
Sonny: Underarms- #2 (5)
Brian: Breath- X
Phyllis: Hair- XX
Stephanie: Baby's diaper- XXX
Randy Steal for Win #3: Refrigerator- LOSS (#4: Garbage/trash)(2)
FM #2 Q's:
1. Name something women leave all over the bathroom.
2. How old's your living room couch?
3. Besides an airplane, name something man-made that flies.
4. Name a part of your body that's OK to scratch in public.
5. Name someone who pretends to listen to.
1. Makeup- 34
2. 10 years- 6
4. Leg- DUD
5. Girlfriend- 43
1. Clothes- 16
2. Five years- 23
3. Helicopter- 37
4. Chest- DUD
5. Friend- 7
TOTAL- 167 ($835)
4. Head
5. Spouse/mate
WoF: The first category of tonight's spooky Toss-Ups is On the Map & because it's a one-wordy, I think I know it already:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I A
Brandon solves TRANSYLVANIA w/ no trouble. Let's get to know all of these people:
Brandon Lindloff (Rockford, IL)- A poker dealer in Elgin & a sports fan engaged to Ashley who's expecting a child
Trista Struve (Flagstaff, AZ; originally from River Falls, WI)- An office manager for a roofing company engaged to Phil
Nikki Lietzke (Burbank)- A major movie studio tour guide & an event/wedding planner
(Notes: On Wheel Deals! Wednesdays like this one, you can can hear about special offers later in the show; this week's comes from Also, did you know that the now-defunct Burbank VIDEO once distributed the 1977 "Let's Make a Deal" documentary titled "Deal"?)
$2K TU subject's Living Thing:
W _ A _ E
S _ _ R K
Brandon gets WHALE SHARK for the tripler & control.
Available on the wheel's a trip to the Woodlands Inn (which is a restored 1906 mansion) w/ a Charleston, SC Ghost Dungeon Walking Tour worth $5,535; the puzzle category of the Eggland's Best Jackpot Round is Title. His lead-off letter choices are three T's for $7.5K, three I's & E's, two H's for another $900, an O & two A's before we get this...
I T ' _ / T H E
_ _ E A T / _ _ _ _ _ I _
_ H A _ _ I E / _ _ O _ _
...he solves "IT'S THE GREAT PUMPKIN, CHARLIE BROWN" for the remaining $7,400 in his bank & new cash winnings of $10,400.
First in the Before & After Round, Trista calls four N's for $3,600, buys an E, Free Plays three I's & calls six T's for another $1,800 & five H's for the Million Dollar Wedge; coming her way after that are three FP A's but then the Bankrupt next to $3.5K to take away her MDW & $5,150. Nikki secondly calls trip G's for $10.5K, buys an O & the light bulb in her head comes on...
T H I N G _ / T H A T
G O / _ _ _ _ / I N
T H E / N I G H T
_ A T _ H _ A N
...or so I thought- she blows the $10,250 solve w/ THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT MARATHON. Moving over to Brandon, he calls a $500 S for a 1/2 Car & we now have showing...
T H I N G S / T H A T
G O / _ _ _ _ / I N
T H E / N I G H T
_ A T _ H _ A N
...he steals THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT WATCHMAN to stay perfect w/ $11,400.
SOLE DQ: Nikki (blown solve)
But Nikki shouldn't panic too much, because she's going first in this match's Mystery/Prize Puzzle Round; the category of this board's Phrase. First from her is an instant dud of R. Second, Brandon calls for two T's for the PartyCity gift tag, four H's for $1,600 & buys the O & a couple E's...
_ H _ _ H / _ _ _ / T O
T H E / _ E _ _ _ H ?
...he'll ask "WHICH WAY TO THE BEACH?", since he's won an extra $2,100 in cash & party supplies in addition to a trip to the Divi Dutch Village Beach Resort in Aruba w/ a $5,100 price tag, making his new total $18,600 in cash & stuff.
SOLE DUD: $800 R (Nikki)
TONIGHT'S SPIN ID: JP6113599 (Jeanine P. from Florida)
(If you subscribe to Wheel Deals! tonight, you can get a $20 gift at for half the price. And if you use your Sony Card, you'll only have to pay $8 instead of $10.)
Onto the $3K TU, where the solution's a Place:
C _ S _ _ M E
S H _ P
Brandon's sweep bid is still alive after he says COSTUME SHOP to reach the $21,600 mark.
This next puzzle's dealing w/ Fun & Games. This time, his letter call rundown consists of a $500 N, a $450 S, an I, but then a T call stops him in his tracks. Second, Trista picks up a $600 G & an E, but she then calls D for dud. While third in line this round, Nikki hits the other natural Bankrupt. Back to big Brandon, he calls the three B's because he thinks he has an idea...
B _ B B I N G / _ _ _
_ _ _ _ E S
...& he sure does when it comes to BOBBING FOR APPLES, so his cash/prize total's $22,600.
DUDS: $900 D (Trista), $300 T (Brandon)
What Are You Doing? is the next question we ask. After Trista calls an $800 N, it's time for Last Chance Mode...
_ _ _ _ _ _ N _ / _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
...w/ all of the leftover consonants paying off at $1,350 per appearance. After a K gets called...
C H _ C K _ N G / M _
H _ R _ S C _ _ _
...SOMEONE'S RAN THE TABLE IN THE MAINGAME!!! With Brandon's solve of CHECKING MY HOROSCOPE, he takes $25,300 in cash & prizes to Bonusland!
Thus, $27,300 in total winnings have been awarded tonight.
DUDS: L (Nikki), T (Brandon)
TONIGHT'S BANKRUPT TRASH (excluding MDW): $5,150
MAXWELL HOUSE TOTAL CLEAN SWEEP ALERT: Brandon's the first BMR entrant this season not to bring anybody along in the audience, but he spins the N in SPIN & gets this to start on a Thing:
_ _ R T _
_ _ _ _ R
DMGA adds at least one A...
_ A R T _
_ A _ _ R
...but he's wrong w/ PARTY CAPER & PARTY PAPER. I hope he just didn't toss aside a PARTY FAVOR that was worth $100K..., it was valued at $35K. He still leaves w/ $25,300 in cash & stuff.
Oh, & Pat Sajak, happy 65th!
The Mohawk & The Madness: TJ (who has a warrior mohawk & a real mohawk underneath his helmet), Arman (a young boxer) & Simi (a mom who's learned Karthak)
Cranium Kids: Michael, Nathaniel (brother; they're both high school Juniors) & Diana (mom)
Lifeguard: Aaron
CK (group split)- 10
Question Wall Round:
TJ & Simi: Which fruit appears more in this wall- banana or strawberry?
Guess: Banana
Michael & Nathan: In a calendar year, which month's fourth from last- September or August?
Guess: September (30)
Arman (spider web)- STUCK
Michael (stuck up high on a skyscraper)- STUCK
Mirror Speed Wall Round:
Nathan & Diana- FAIL
IMPOSSIWALL #27: Michael & Nathan have a two-piece rainbow jigsaw wall...& fail miserably.
J!: Booked for Gabor Vari's first title defense:
Abigail Gardner (Alexandria, VA)- Library technician
Ryan McLune (St. George, UT)- Pathologist
First on the big board:
After a SWEEP of Goin' Solo, Gabor's gotten to Lock Game Territory w/ $5,400 at the first break; Ryan's at $2,200 & Abigail's starting out w/ four Benjamins. Two clues later, Gabor has the Daily Double behind the $800 A Little Legalese clue after going hunting for it in the middle right after the commercials. He wagers 4/6 of his $6K on this clue:
Leading questions may be used when dealing w/ an adverse witness, also called this type of witness.
"What is argumentative?"...just cost him the lead for now & drops him to $2K. Correct: "What is hostile?". He finishes this round in second place w/ $3,800 & trails Ryan by $600; Abigail gets the first pick in the second round w/ $2,200.
SOLE ATTEMPTED TS: $400 (A Little Legalese)
UNATTEMPTED LACH TRASH: $1K (same category)
Double Jeopardy! Menu:
STATE'S RIGHTS (each correct response's a state that's to the right of the given state that has the longest border on the map)
Gabor's 2-for-2 on finding a DD during his DDH moments; this one's under the center of What's New in Archaeology & he's back in LGT w/ $9,800; Ryan's got $4,400 & Abigail's barely improved to three grand. His wager on this is $4,200:
Device used by Terry Herbert to find the "Staffordshire Hoard" of buried Anglo-Saxon gold.
"What is...a metal detector?"...that good guess' right to stay very well ahead w/ $14K! Does he complete the DD, Ryan's got the third one on the last State's Rights clue w/ $6,800, exactly half of the champion's current score for the night. But Ryan actually bets four thou:
"What is North Carolina?"...that's the correct East Coast state to stay in it at $10,800!
Scores Following DJ!:
Gabor: $19,200
Ryan: $12K
Gabor: $20,200
Ryan: $10K
Abigail: $3K
FINAL JEOPARDY! TOPIC: Death of an Author.
In 1940, at age 44, he died of a heart attack at his Hollywood home while reading his Princeton Alumni Weekly.
Response: "Who is F. Scott Fitzgerald?"
Wager: $2,999
Final score: $5,999
Results for the two guys...Ryan adds $5,999, but Gabor's still the champ w/ $24,001! Two-game haul: $58,402. If he wants to be the last entrant into next week's Tournament of Champions, he'll probably need to stay on the pace he's currently on, sweep the rest of this week & lose on Monday or Tuesday.
Conclusion of Chris Zehnder's Game
Start of Randy Rice's Game (his game features a special request!)
Episode ratings:
8: "Millionaire" & "Wheel of Fortune"
7: "Family Feud", "Jeopardy!" & "Let's Make a Deal"
4: "Hole in the Wall"
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