It was NINETY FIVE degrees today, YIKES, I knew it was coming but it is still always a suprise ;-).
Cricket and I went to the practice yard and decided to try the excellent course that was set up and it went great even when I decided to try to use our Silvia Trkman Cik/Cap turns, she is really getting it, who knew???
My Lilacs are just magnificent this year. It is so cool because they did not do anything for years after I planed them. I love sitting outside by the Lilacs and the Jasmine just smelling the air, LOL. I am not much of a gardener-and gardening in the desert is a challenge, so having Lilacs, Iris and Jasmine all blooming is pretty exciting to me...
Then another real sign that time keeps marching on is my daughter getting her drivers permit and getting behind the wheel for the first time. I foolishly thought that she would get all her instructed time behind the wheel with the instructor THEN once she really pretty much had it down we would step in so she could practice. Well, she got a short lesson behind the wheel today with the instructor and then it was me and her on a desert road practicing stopping and turning -). I scare myself when I drive so I am not sure how I will handle the driving lessons, hopefully I will rise to the occassion and learn some tips and tricks because when she gets it down there is one more kid to get through learning to drive.