FGN: This will be their last episode this year (same goes for "The Game of LIFE" & "Scrabble Showdown). On Season 2's Christmas show, Burton announces Todd as "our very own Santa Claus". And I have a feeling this will be the last episode this season to offer the $25K Monopoly Crash Card. The last families of 2011 are:
Red Team: Anilee (who loves to sing holiday carols), Karli Jo (sister), Jodi (who can do neat tricks w/ her toes) & Karl (who enjoys lifting weights)
Yellow Team: Tommy, Marichelle (a mom who takes several pictures for their holiday cards), Jack (a dad who prefers to cook outside) & Nicholas (a brother who hates brushing his teeth)
Dad-a-Pault #3 WINNERS (w/ a Christmas Tree theme)- YT (won 5-5 tiebreaker because they successfully stuck the first ball)
First CCCs:
Tommy: Car (that was the $25K object last year)
Anilee: Battleship
Sorry! Sliders MPP: Peavey guitar package
(Note: Little Santa Claus hats are on top of those Sliders.)
Round 1:
RT: DOUBLE SORRY (one was on their opponents' prize dot)
Tommy's Second CCC: Wheelbarrow
Ratuki Go-Round MPP: Pirate's Dinner Adventure in Buena Park, CA
WINNERS- YT (on the very last possible card)
Tommy's Third CCC: Soda
Gift-Wrapped Piano MPP: XBOX 360 "Kinect Adventures" set
R1: 432125- ANILEE (Tommy left out the second two as he was going to the four)
R2: 242354- KARLI JO (Nicholas stepped on the four a second time instead of going for the three)
R3: 45321235- RT SWEEP (Marichelle stepped on the four a second time instead of the second three)
Anilee's Second CCC: Skateboard
Trouble Pop Quiz MPP: Escalade Sports Rhino Play Deluxe Double Shoot-Up Basketball game
1. Todd's friend Ryan brought home a 16-foot Christmas Tree, but his ceiling's only 12 ft. high. How many ft. would he need to chop off for the tree to fit in his house?
YT: 4- DAD
2. Pop to get the missing lyric from the Christmas song "Jungle Bells"- "Oh what fun, it is to ride in a __ horse open sleigh".
RT: 1- MOM
3. If you have 10 chestnuts roasting on an open fire & five fall into the fire, how many will you have left?
4. According to the classic song, how many eyes of coal did "Frosty the Snowman" have?
YT: 2
5. Pop to get the number of syllables in the phrase "Merry Christmas".
YT: 4
6. According to the traditional song "The 12 Days of Christmas", how many golden rings are there?
RT: 5- DAD
7. In Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol", Jacob Marley introduces Ebenezer Scrooge to how many ghosts?
YT: 3- WIN!
Tommy's Fourth CCC: Cell Phone
Green Scream MPP: Southern California CityPass
YT: Wreath, gingerbread house, fire (place), snowman, lights, turkey, reindeer, mittens & fruitcake
RT: Stocking, mistletoe, candy canes, ornament, Nutcracker, cookies, sled, Santa Claus & scarf
Tommy's Final CCC: Plane
TRIP AT STAKE: The Roosevelt Hotel (NYC)
Car- $740
Wheelbarrow- $825 ($1,565)
Soda- $350 ($1,915)
C.P.- $715 ($2,630)
Plane- $510 ($3,140)
The RT leaves w/ the XBOX 360 package & $2,455 (the Skateboard was worth $2K tonight).
$25K: Cannon (which was ONE OFF to the left of the Car on the board)
LIFE: One of these two trios could spend some of their lives in Kauai, HI:
Team #1: Emma (who loves doing musical theater), Chloe (an all-star basketball player) & Josh (a dad who enjoys making risotto for the girls)
Team #2: Savion (who's the family's jokester), Ajani (a sister who won a school art contest) & Aubrey (mom/full-time Psychology student/Army wife)
The car on the set is fittingly named a sleigh for tonight's episode.
First Adventures in R1: Visit Santa at the North Pole & Ring In the New Year
Team Emma: New Year
1. Who first declared that New Year's Day would be celebrated on January 1st- Napoleon or Julius Caesar?
Guess: J.C.
2. According to CNN, what was the #1 New Year's resolution this year- save money or lose weight?
Guess: Save money
Final Question: Sung on New Year's Eve, "Auld Lang Syne" loosely translates to what- "Times Gone By" or "Good Times Ahead"?
Guess: "Good Times Ahead"
Last Topic in R1: Adopt a Reindeer
Team Savion: Adopt a Reindeer
1. Which reindeer appeared in the poem "Twas the Night Before Christmas" (which shared its name w/ a Mercury car model & a kind of cleaner)- Racer or Comet?
Guess: Comet
2. In North America, reindeer are called what- Caribou or Elk?
Guess: Caribou (300)
3. Reindeer hooves are specifically equipped to do what- keep them from sinking into snow or dig through solid ice?
Guess: Keep them from sinking into snow (600)
FQ: What special property does the hair of a reindeer have- it's hollow or it glows in the dark?
Guess: It's hollow (1K)
First R2 Subjects: Make Holiday Treats & Have a Snow Day
Team Savion: Holiday Treats
1. It's a tradition that every Christmas, the U.S. President's pastry chefs create what out of gingerbread- a miniature White House or cookies w/ the President's picture on them?
Guess: Miniature W.H. (1,200)
2. What's the main ingredient in Latkes, a treat eaten during Hanukkah- chocolate or potatoes?
Guess: Potatoes (1,600)
Extra Gas Question: Jay Leno ate which holiday treat- a candy cane that was over 50 years old or a fruitcake that was over 125 years old?
Guess: Candy cane
Last Category This Year: Celebrate Holidays Around the World
Team Emma: Celebrate Holidays Around the World
1. In Caracas, Venezuela, how is it customary to arrive at Christmas services- on roller skates or w/ bare feet?
Guess: W/ bare feet
2. In Poland, tradition says that the Christmas Eve feast can't be served until what happens- the youngest child sings a song or the first star appears in the sky?
Guess: The first star appears in the sky (500)
EGQ: In Britain, the day after Christmas is called what- King's Day or Boxing Day?
Guess: Boxing Day (1,100)
For a Bonus Prize: During a holiday feast in Spain, a young boy's chosen to do what- put food out for Santa's reindeer or be mayor for a day?
Guess: Put food out for Santa's reindeer
BP Round PICK: Odd- 10 (Rhino arcade basketball game)
They miss out on going on the San Diego Zoo Safari.
Final Round: The presents underneath the studio's Christmas Tree have to be unwrapped, tossed & placed into a toy chest; each one's worth 500 points.
WINNERS- OT (4,600-3,600)
Ajani: Would you rather own a flying reindeer or talking snowman?
Guess: Reindeer- NO
Savion: Which holiday treat do you think's grosser- fruitcake or eggnog?
Guess: Eggnog- YES
Aubrey: On Christmas morning, what would you rather find underneath the tree- a lot of little presents or one enormous present?
Guess: A lot of little presents- YES
PICK: Even
Bonus Numbers: 9 (Savion) & 3 (Ajani)
GP NUMBER: 5- LOSS ($1K holiday shopping spree)
SS: This was the last episode taped this season.
Linda & Bennett- Australia
Castle & Cyndi- Germany
Knockout Prize: Hart pulse skis
Categories: On the Night Before Christmas & Old St. Nick
C & C: Old St. Nick- Words That Describe Santa Claus
Castle made a mistake on the second correct letter in both the first & third words.
L & B: On the Night Before Christmas- Things Santa Needs Before Christmas Morning
4. LMICSAT- LIST (Bennett made two mistakes on this word)
slam! Prize: Sony VAIO laptop
R1 (:22): LUCK
Linda: DUCK
Castle: DUNK
Bennett: BUNK
Cyndi: BANK
Linda: BONK
Castle: HONK
R2 (:21): WILT
Bennett: WILD
Cyndi: MILD
Linda: MIND
Bennett: FIND
Final Round (:15): READ
Cyndi: BEAD
Linda: BEAT
Cyndi: BOAT
Linda: GOAT (she slammed the T instead)
Flash Prize: INSIGNIA plasma HDTV
Line: (Jim) LANGE (!!)
BT: AGE, NAG & LEAN = 10
RT: LANE, GALE & LAG = WIN BY A POINT (:10 left)
BT: B + D + Q = 15
RT: B + Z + W = 17
1. CRRATO- A nose job for a snowman
2. WEMOR (up from the first R)- Pushy gardeners use it
BT: MOWER (25)
3. TCKEIL (down from the T)- It's a funny feeling
4. WAERTH (right from the W)- Hangs around for Christmas
5. CMRAP (right from the C in TICKLE)- It can be a pain in the neck
BT: CRAMP (36)
6. BLLAET (up from the T in WREATH)- Keeps you on your toes
7. IURTAG (across from the A in BALLET)- Taylor is "Swift" on this instrument
8. ARTHUO (down from the A in CARROT)- A novel career path
9. EIAML (across from the E in TICKLE)- It's a click away
RT: EMAIL (87)
10. HGAENR (left from the R in AUTHOR)- Holds up your pants
11. LPMA (right from the second L in BALLET)- Home to a teenie-weenie genie
RT: WIN W/ LAMP! (103)
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