LMaD: I had to delay this recap due to a press conference regarding yesterday's Virginia Tech shootings. To whoever nasty people are responsible for these tragic attacks, you need to stop doing these or you'll cost us way, way more in life than us getting a chance to watch game shows. And may those who unfortunately have lost their life at that university within this five-year span rest in peace.
Today's first three traders had the Ca$hbox (Jonathan) to mull over.
Jennelle's Round (dressed as a Speed Bump): Small Box (Jonathan)- Jimmy Choo pair of shoes & handbag ($2,390)
Shandron's Round: Curtain #1- Honda SH-150 scooter ($4,499)
Heidi's Round (dressed as potted sunflowers): Cashbox- $600
That cost Heidi...a Nissan cube S worth $16,860 (Curtain #2).
Wayne played a round of Duck, Duck, Goose w/ Heidi; after she caught him, she played for one of these trips in the SB (Tiffany):
1. Five-night trip to the Hyatt Grand Champions Resort, Villas & Spa in Indian Wells, CA ($4K)
2. Six-night trip to the Bethels Beach Cottages in Auckland, NZ ($7,827)
The game where you have to match two of the four prize panels on a gameboard now has an official name- It Takes Two.
But because she doesn't have a flat-screen TV at home, she walked w/ the $1,700 SAMSUNG 47" LCD HDTV.
2. TWO- N.Z.
William's Fast Deal (dressed as a painter from a dollar store): $6/$6K Silver Envelope or Curtain #3?
DECISION: SE- WON $6K (Curtain #3: Beach chair/ball set)
Sabrina & Linda took part in the Auction Deal.
Red Box: SABRINA FOR $150 ($350 left)- Chefs, Inc. cooking classes w/ ceramic knives/peelers ($2,179)(New Current Total: $2,529)
Green Box: SABRINA FOR $200 ($150 left)- MacBook Air ($999)(New Current Total: $3,328)
Curtain #1: LINDA FOR $100 ($400 left)- Callaway 12 Golf sets ($3,469 total)
Competing in the Head to Head For a Car Game on this day were Susan (dressed as a lollipop girl) & Lisa (dressed as a strawberry plant).
Susan: #3
Lisa: #2
OFFERS: $500, $800, $1K, $1,200, $1,300, $1.5K, $2K- THAT'S ENOUGH FOR LISA
CURTAIN #3- FIAT 500 HB MT (CURTAIN #2: Dilapidated truck w/ hay)
The last "Deal" couple of the week was made up of Blake & Whitney (who have been married for two years & have been together for three; they were dressed as ear buds) & they met Dr. Wayne.
R1 (Blue Box):
A: Laura's Jewelry gold cocktail ring
B: Nikon digital SLR camera (both prizes were worth $1.5K)
Whitney- CAMERA
Blake- MATCH
R2 (Curtain #1):
A: Recumbent bike w/ freeweights ($2,551)
B: weber gas grill w/ accessories & $500 Omaha Steaks gift card ($2,278)
Whitney- BBQ
Blake- MATCH
TBR (SE): BANK IT- Six-night Washington Wine Country trip ($8,350)
Belly dancer Xenia was the last original trader this week.
Something You've Seen: SE
Something You Haven't Seen: Curtain #3
CHOICE: CURTAIN #3- Popcorn living room (SE: TV)
THE BIG DEAL: Shandron's scooter could've turned into a $24,540 car after he chose Door #2 because of Demetria...they got a Volkswagen Tiguan S 2WD!
#1- $2,256
#3- Kitchen w/ a year's worth of groceries ($7,399)
Tamara (dressed as a carrot) didn't win her $300 Quickie Deal because she couldn't bring Wayne a map of anywhere in California, but $63,805 in cash & prizes were still won on this Friday show! Had the cube been won & kept, we just barely would've set a new record.
TPiRecap (BTW, Daniel Goddard will appear on Monday)
WoF: This successful America's Game Week concludes on the Fun & Fit set (& I think we'll see another AG episode on this set sometime next year). Phrase is the first Toss-Up category tonight:
F I R S _ / A N D
F O R E _ _ S _
FIRST AND FOREMOST, Matt gets on the board. Last panel of the week:
Matt Brown (Manhattan Beach, CA)- A USC student who studied Aerospace Engineering as an undergrad & is an engineer in South Bay; he also just got his Master's Degree
Pam Sullivan (High Point, NC)- A full-time mom married to Bill for 19 years who's pursuing a second college degree in veterinary medical technology
Tina Eftink (Golconda, IL)- A registered nurse w/ a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing who's about to have two stepsons; she also swam w/ sharks for free in Cancun
$2K T-U category's Person:
_ L Y M _ I C
_ _ M N A _ T
Pam slowly solves OLYMPIC GYMNAST.
After the $5K Beyond the Rack gift card goes on the wheel, the IHOP Jackpot Round offers a Proper Name of some kind. She begins by calling a quick dud of R while on the Jackpot. Tina secondly calls T, but it's a dud too. Third, Matt calls four N's for $2,200 but then buys the sole dud vowel (E). Fourth, Pam calls yet another baddie of S while on the Omaha Steaks gift tag. Tina then calls two L's for $1,200, buys an I, calls for two F's for nine more bills (the first letter in both the first & third words) & buys two A's before losing another turn w/ the H. After Matt makes a $500 J show up...
F _ N N _ _ A N
J I _ _ _ / F A L L _ N
...he identifies the only talk show host to hold "The 12 Days of Christmas Sweaters" on his talk show every holiday season, FUNNYMAN JIMMY FALLON, for the early lead w/ $3,450.
DUDS: E (Matt), $400 H (Tina) $500 R (Pam), $900 T (Tina)
Onto the Mystery Round w/ a Same Name board. Tina's first stop is the Mystery Wedge next to that Million Dollar Wedge, but she says a dud of S. Second, Matt calls out two N's for $1,200, buys an E but then ends his turn w/ an R call. Third, Pam calls a $600 pair of T's, buys a fairly obvious I & gets two G's for another $600, but after an A buy comes the Bankrupt next to the Wild Card to flush away $950. After regaining control, coming Tina's way are an $800 B, the other two vowels (O & U) & the beginning letter of P for $300 extra...
P U N _ _ I N G / &
...& she solves PUNCHING & TOTE BAG for the $1K.
DUDS: $300 R (Matt), S (Tina)
The last Prize Puzzle Round theme of the week's Place, starting w/ Matt's two S's for $1K & the green 1/2 KIA, two A's, an $800 T but then the E fails him for the second time this evening. Second for Pam are a $450 R, an I, a $500 N, a $900 G, two O's but then the same Bankrupt from the last round; that's her second Bankrupt of the match. Then, Tina doesn't insert anything w/ a P call and Matt buys the leftover vowel of U, immediately followed by a $1,600 couple of M's, a $300 H, three C's while on Free Play for an additional $1.5K & a puzzle attempt...
_ O C A _
...he'll meet CHARMING LOCAL CUSTOMS w/ $4,450 more in hand just before he goes on a $5,600 vacation to the El Conquistador Resort (part of The Waldorf Astoria Collection), making him more comfortable in first place w/ $13.5K in cash & Puerto Rico.
DUDS: E (Matt), $350 P (Tina)
The next Event's the $3K T-U:
_ _ E / B O _ _ O N
_ _ R A T _ _ N
Pam identifies THE BOSTON MARATHON to rise to the $5K plateau.
More Song Lyrics are abound for the next puzzle; her base letters are three S's for 900 bucks, two E's, a $400 T, two O's & a $1K N pairing, then...
_ _ O _ / S E _ / T O
S _ _ N _ N _ / S E _
...she gets "FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA" from "America the Beautiful" to slightly improve to $6,800.
What Are You Doing? Trying to solve this Last Chance Round puzzle w/ a consonant payoff of $1,900. After Pam calls a D...
D _ _ _ _ _ T _ N G
A / _ _ _ _
...DECORATING A ROOM is a good guess, but that's incorrect. Tina then calls the R...
D _ _ _ R _ T _ N G
_ / _ _ _ _
...but HALL isn't the right last word, either. After Matt calls the last consonant of K...
D _ C _ R _ T _ N G
_ / C _ K _
...he's finally DECORATING A CAKE to celebrate his maingame win to the tune of $21,100 in cash & trip! Both ladies missed out on $3,800 in that last round of play, but Pam leaves w/ $6,800 & Tina receives the non-gooseegged $1K.
$28,900 in cash & voyage has been won on this end-of-week episode so far.
DUDS: B (Pam), H (Tina), L (Matt), S (Tina)
DQs: 3 (ladies' missolves, Matt's last word blanking on next-to-last turn)
Maxwell House Big Money Round #55: Matt gets his potential bonus prize from the I in SPIN & this looks like an easy Phrase to me right away:
_ / _ L E _
_ T
PMHA aren't any good...& after saying "I PLAY IT", he'll literally be saying "I BLEW IT" minutes after walking off the set w/ $21,100 in cash & vacation, because he just gave back $45K.
(Also: Drew Bayers became the new "Jeopardy!" champ w/ $19,200, while William Castaneda left w/ $10,400 after busting out in Final Jeopardy!.)
Millionaire Friday:
Game 1
Game 2
Game 3
Episode ratings:
8: "Let's Make a Deal"
6: Everything else
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