LMaD: Friday's first traders are Kenneth (an English student dressed as a green/pink present), Kimberly (a hairstylist dressed as a brown bear) & Amy (an interior designer dressed as a German beer girl).
$500 Round (CURTAIN #2): Amy- TOSHIBA 47" 3-D HDTV w/ a karaoke machine, a 32 GB iPod Touch & $1K iTunes Gift Card ($3,078)
$1K Round (Jonathan w/ Small Box): Kimberly- Shag carpet bag
Kenneth's $2K Round (Big Box): NO- Five-night trip to the Renaissance Curacao Resort & Casino ($6,244)
The next girl to Go For a Spin's Alyssa (originally from Jacksonville, FL), where she may spin up to $5K or the Hyundai Accent GS (Curtain #1).
1. Red Bull & Coffee: Coffee- YES (in between $100 & $2K)
2. Friday the 13th & Halloween: Halloween- YES (in between $500 & $1K)
3. Snoopy & Snoop Dogg (w/ the second G left out): Snoopy- YES (in between $4K & $5K)
$1.5K BAILOUT (in order to pay for her move to L.A.)
(Note: This is the first taped episode where Wayne updates the Big Deal of the Day standings a few times throughout the show.)
Christy's Fast Deal (dressed as a purple fairy): CURTAIN #3 (Tiffany's wearing a Mexican hat)- Mostly purple pinata car w/ blue & pink stripes
Silver Envelope- macy's Shopping Spree Trip ($3,700; included a $1.5K spree)
Lisa's a part of the Purse Deal; the predictor's Rohit (a referee who's wearing a big dollar sign necklace)
1. Tissue: NO- CORRECT
2. Book: NO- RIGHT
3. Sunglasses: YES- SWEEP ($1.5K)
Rohit's Final Call: BB ($1.5K)- Suzuki Boulevard motorcycle w/ helmet ($5,244)
Lisa's Final Decision: SB (Jonathan)($500)- Living room ($4,277)
Katrina, who's wearing a Santa hat, is in a two-round version of Let's Talk About You.
R1: SB (Tiffany in front of Curtain #2; she could've had the $999 black massage chair she's sitting in right now as a prize)- MacBook Pro & HD camcorder ($3,899)
Final Round (CURTAIN #2): NO (because she needs the electronics for her daughter, who's in her first year in college)- Four-night trip to the Tropicana in Atlantic City ($8,225)
Ann & Eric (he's dressed as "The Wayne Brady Bunch" nine-square grid) play Go Big or Go Home...PERFECTLY by rolling two sixes & a four- that wins them the $1K Elite Appliances gift tag, $500 & a 2012 Nissan Versa S Sedan worth $13,815 (Curtain #3)!
To conclude the regulation dealing, Brittney (dressed as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle) refuses the base prize package in the SB (Jonathan), monthly O-P-I manicures/pedicures for a year valued at $1,317, for whatever CURTAIN #2 holds...an array of kitchen appliances worth $3,477- PERFECT DEAL #3!
THE BIG DEAL: Yesterday, Briana became the biggest BD winner of '12 to date w/ $26,444. Today, Rohit could surpass her w/ $26,622 worth of cash &/or merchandise. Door #1's his final answer...GOT IT- he's won EVERYTHING in this extravaganza- a six-night trip to the Emily Morgan Hotel in San Antonio priced at $8,204 (#3), $2,298 from The Bank Vault (#2) & a '12 KIA Forte LX sedan that's worth $16,120!
A female Ryan gives Wayne some Chap-Stick for $100, Kevin (dressed as a giant milk carton) fails to present Tiffany a regular-sized straw for his own Benjamin & Irin misses out on $300 from Jonathan by not handing him a toothpick.
That makes Friday's final total a great ending to the week- $60,268!
WoF: In the next 30 minutes, we'll find out if we can follow an eight-day bonus round losing streak w/ three wins in a row.
$1K T-U: Landmark
M _ _ N _ / F U J I
_ _ / J _ P _ _
Andrea's off by two letters w/ MOUNT FUJI OF JAPAN.
M _ _ N T / F U J I
_ _ / J _ P _ _
Dennis gets the $1K steal on MOUNT FUJI IN JAPAN. Now, for details about him & his female competition:
Dennis Woodzisz (Palm Springs, CA; originally from Parma Heights, OH)- A senior graphics designer for a large casino resort who has a 12-year-old Beagle named Sugar
Andrea Greenlee (Albuquerque)- An engaged children's bookseller who's wearing classic literature tattoos
Lauryn Smith (Inglewood Nashville, TN)- A nursing student w/ her two-year husband who's graduating from school this semester
$2K T-U: Fun & Games
S K _ _ E _ O _ R _ _ _ G
Dennis gets the tripler w/ SKATEBOARDING.
Friday's Featured Trip: Caravan.com Panama Tour ($5.5K)
Eggland's Best Jackpot Round: What Are You Doing?
First at bat, he calls a $500 N for the green 1/2 KIA & a $300 G, buys three E's & two I's & then Bankrupts next to the Wild Card to lose the plate & the three bills. Second, Andrea Loses a Turn.
Third, Lauryn calls four T's to take the WC but then Bankrupts next to where it just was to have it taken away just like that. After the same fate happens to Dennis, Andrea fills in an $800 M but then buys the sole dud vowel on the board (O). Lauryn follows w/ a $600 H, a U, a Free Play A to finish off the vowels & we have...
_ E T T I N G / U _
T H E / _ A M _ _ I T E
...she's SETTING UP THE CAMPSITE to get on the board.
SOLE DUD: O (Andrea)
SOLE LaT: Andrea
BANKRUPTS: 3 (two by Dennis, Lauryn)
Current U.S. Scores:
Lauryn: $1K/Dennis: $3K/Andrea: $0
Lauryn's Aussie Score: 550
Mystery Round: Rhyme Time (& it's a big board)
Andrea's base letters are six N's for $3,300, two E's, a $900 R & five A's, then come a $900 M & half a dozen I's to already round out the round's vowels & she tries to score for the first time as well...
_ _ E / R A I N
I N / _ _ A I N
_ _ A _ _ / M A I N _ _
I N / _ _ E / _ _ A I N
...she does w/ THE RAIN IN SPAIN STAYS MAINLY IN THE PLAIN for $4,350 & a $1K+ lead.
Current U.S. Scores:
Lauryn: $1K/Dennis: $3K/Andrea: $4,350
Current Aussie Scores:
Lauryn: 550/Dennis: 0/Andrea: 2,200
Prize Puzzle Round: Phrase
Lauryn starts off w/ her calls of three T's for the previous 1/2 KIA & $1.5K & two S's for another C-note but then the sole dud vowel bites her (A). Dennis secondly calls out N for another negative. Third for Andrea are a $3.5K G, the other four pairs of vowels (O's, I's, E's & U's) &...
I / _ O U _ _ / G E T
U S E _ / T O / T _ I S
...hey, I COULD GET USED TO THIS- her winning the remaining $2.5K & that $5K trip to Miami, FL's Beacon hotel w/ hotwire.com travel.
DUDS: A (Lauryn), $450 N (Dennis)
TONIGHT'S SPIN ID: AS7934575 (Antoinette S.)
Current U.S. Scores:
Lauryn: $1K/Dennis: $3K/Andrea: $11,850 in cash & Florida
Current Aussie Scores:
Lauryn: 1.5K/Dennis: 0/Andrea: 5.5K
$3K T-U: Occupation
_ _ _ J E _ T
_ A _ _ _ E _
Lauryn identifies PROJECT MANAGER as the critical position to be in on "The Apprentice" to multiply her $1K by four.
R4: On the Map
First for Lauryn are three T's for $1,050, two E's, quad N's for another two thou & a $450 R, then she tries to get closer to the other woman's lead w/ another solve...
T _ E / _ _ R _ _ _ N
_ _ N T _ N E N T
...she does indeed courtesy of THE AFRICAN CONTINENT for $3,250 extra.
Current U.S. Scores:
Lauryn: $7,250/Dennis: $3K/Andrea: $11,850 in cash & Miami
Current Aussie Scores:
Lauryn: 2,750/Dennis: NULL/Andrea: 5.5K
Last Chance Round: Show Biz
$1,300's the consonant value. Late in this round, Lauryn does call two of something & we have this...
_ I L M
_ _ S T I _ _ L
...problem is, she ended up asking for the I's instead of the F's & she solves FILM FESTIVAL for only an additional $3,900.
DUDS: C (Andrea), D (Dennis), N (Andrea), R (Lauryn)
Final American Scores:
Lauryn: $11,150/Dennis: $3K/Andrea: $11,850 in cash & Florida
Final Aussie Scores:
Lauryn: 3,350/Dennis: 300/Andrea: 5,800
TONIGHT'S BANKRUPT TRASH (excluding cardboard): $300
Big Money Round #89: After spinning the P, Andrea's trying to make a 3-2 endgame week happen on this week of the year for the second straight season.
Category: Phrase
Leading off w/:
_ _ _ _ L _ _ L E
N _ _
CMWA should do it for her...
A _ A _ L A _ L E
N _ W
...she scares us slightly by only saying the second word to start, but this will be AVAILABLE NOW in her garage- a FIAT 500c Pop (Std., AT, Tire, Windscreen, EBH) worth $21,600, for total winnings of $38,450!
J!: Brendan Graham goes to work in his second game against:
Bruce Vale (originally from Newark, DE)- Business newswriter
Emily Kelly (Somerville, MA)- University librarian
Friday's Base Topics:
THE TRUTH LIES THEREIN (each correct response has letters from "therein")
After Visiting the City gets cleared out to begin the game, Emily has $800 & a slight lead, Brendan has $200 & Bruce's a grand in the hole.
First Stupid Answer:
On the West, Central Park's bounded by this street.
Brendan: "What is West St.?"- NO
Emily: "What is West Side...?"- NO ($600)
Bruce: "What is Central Park West?"- CORRECT (-$800)
This building in our national capital was originally designed by Dr. William Thornton.
Bruce: "What is The Capitol?"- RIGHT ($600)
Middle clue:
This was first imprinted in black on individual M&Ms in 1950.
Brendan: "What is M?"- YOU BET ($600)
As we go to break, Bruce's in the lead w/ a positive C-note to Emily's $800.
A while later, for $800:
The second verse of this classic American song begins "O beautiful, for Pilgrim feet".
Emily: "What is 'America the Beautiful'?"- OF COURSE
Last SA:
The Mosquito Indians are a majority population of this coastal region of Honduras & Nicaragua.
Bruce: "What is the Mosquito Coast?"- RIGHT ($5,600)
That means the first Daily Double's hidden within Pants...& it goes to Emily courtesy of the $800 screen after it was skipped over for the $1K clue, but she only has $1,400 compared to Bruce's $5,200, which puts him in Lock Game Territory; Brendan's got a positive grand. For $2,800 or nothing going into Double Jeopardy!, here's her clue:
Tight-fitting pants patterned after those worn by bullfighters aren't usually called matador pants but these.
At the time's up triple beeper, she says "What are Jodhpurs?", which are wrong anyway. They're actually named toreador pants.
LACH TRASH (all attempted): $2,400
DJ! Menu:
W/ six clues to go in this round, Emily has her second DD attempt from the $800 clue themed around 1940s American Lit; she has $6,400 & trails Bruce by just $400 for second place, but is $5,400 off the lead. She's attempting to tie things up after the following comes into view:
This 1946 novel about a Southern politician takes its title from the "Humpty Dumpty" nursery rhyme.
"What is 'All the King's Men'?"...tie game at $11,800 per person! But she's completed the DD Sweep w/ the very last clue in the round (that's the second round in a row she's done that) from First in War & has sole possession of the lead w/ $14,600, followed by Brendan at $11,800 & Bruce w/ $8,400. For this clue, she'll risk $2,799:
The 1940 invasion of Norway saw the first combat use of these troops, the German Fallschirmjager.
"Who are the...S.S.?"...no, they were the Paratroops.
DJ! LACH TRASH (all unattempted): $4K
Scores After DJ! Round:
Brendan: $11,800
Emily: $11,801
Bruce: $8,400
Brendan: $11,800
Emily: $11,400
Bruce: $8,400
FINAL J! CATEGORY: Word & Phrase Origins.
After living in Honduras, O. Henry coined this term for a small country dependent on a single export.
Bruce Vale's last question in the match was "What is a rice economy?", which is absolutely...NOT right & he's down to $4,998. Brendan Graham wrote "What is a banana republic?"...that's right to fly to $20,201 & retain the title! Emily Kelly lost $11K & the championship w/ a coffee state & leaves w/ $1K while Bruce has a two-day total of $46,602.
Millionaire Friday:
Game 1
Game 2
Final One Question Game of the Week
Episode ratings:
7: "Jeopardy!", "Let's Make a Deal", "Millionaire" & "Wheel of Fortune"
6: "The Price is Right"
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