GAME #1: Roths vs. Jacksons (whose one-day cash winnings total $400)
Round 1: According to 100 men, name something that gives you double the pleasure when you have two of them. At first thought:
#1: Boobs/sex partners (51)(Aaron; he did a jump just as he got to the face-off podium)
Rachel: Cheeseburgers- X
Dan: Cars- #5 (5)
Shaina (a civil engineer who has a three-month-old baby boy): TVs- XX
Seth: Children/twins- #3 (10)
Aaron: Homes- #4 (6)
Rachel: Bank accounts- XXX
Jimmy Steal (for 72): Pets- #6 (2)(#2: Beers/drinks)(16)
R2: Name the biggest complaint women have about the way men kiss. At the start of this question:
#1: Wet/sloppy (57)(Deirdre)
James: Too much tongue- TIED FOR #2 (13)
Justin: Going in too hard/rough- OTHER ANSWER TIED FOR #2 (13)
Tamir: Dry lips- X
Jimmy: Too many teeth- XX
Deirdre: Too much mustache- #5 (3)
James: Bad breath- XXX
Aaron Steal (for 86 & the lead): Kisses that aren't long/passionate enough- #4 (5)(#6: No passion)(2)
Double: Name a part of the body that muscle men love to show off. Base answer (s):
#1: Arms/biceps (74)(James)
Justin: Abs/stomach- #3 (5)
Tamir: Chest- #2 (18)
Jimmy: Thighs- X
Deirdre: Butt- SWEEP! (2)(270)
Triple: Name something that really attracts a dog's attention when it goes out for a walk. An important guess or two coming up right now:
#2: Cat (20)(Justin)
DUD: Other people (Shaina)
Tamir: Another dog- #1 (55)
Jimmy: Automobiles- X
Deirdre: Fire hydrant- #3 (11)
James: Food- XX
Justin: Frisbee- XXX
Aaron Steal for the Game: Tree/shrub- LOSS (#4: Whistle)(3)
1. Tell me, out of 10 blind dates, how many are winners?
2. Name a food item you buy the most of during the month.
3. Name something people like to wear until it falls apart.
4. Name something you see in a ski lodge.
5. Name something a parent takes away from a teenager as punishment.
1. 1- 32
2. Milk- 29
3. Shoes- 33
4. Skis- 36
5. Cell phone- 45
TOTAL- SEASON-HIGH OF 175 (the highest in the Steve era's 176; he incorrectly said the 175's a new record for him)!!!!!
1. 2- 24
2. Bread- 24; WIN AT 223!!!!
3. Shirts
4. Jackets
If they had done that on "Bert's Family Feud", the confetti would've come down & they would've won $100,000!!! At least they do have $20,400 after two shows.
(Notes: After Justin passed on the second Q & gave an answer for the third, Steve went right back to Q #2 instead of going to Q #4. Also, Karen Apple's the director as of this episode instead of Ken Fuchs.)
Video Bonus: Great FM
In the other half of this afternoon's doubleheader, the Simeons won their second game over the Dahls from Green Bay (Anne, Caleb, Tina, Gabe & Cichelle), 368-124.
BTW, here was a very fun second query from this match: Name the best-dressed GS host on TV:
#1: Drew Carey (24)
#2: Alex Trebek (14)
#3: Bob Barker (13)
#4: Pat Sajak (10)
TIED FOR BOTTOM: Ryan Seacrest & STEVE (6 each)
FM #2 Q's:
1. Name something specific that has a cord attached to it.
2. On the 1-10 scale, how vein are most men?
3. Name a sport that looks easier than it is.
4. Name something people order in restaurants that starts w/ the letter S.
5. Name something you keep around the house.
1. DVD player- DUD
2. 7- 21
3. Football- 2
4. Sushi- 4
5. Dogs- DUD
1. Radio- DUD
2. 8- 19
3. Basketball- 8
4. Spaghetti- 16
5. Gun- 50
TOTAL- 120
Total after their first two games: $1,560. Their third & final shot at FM should be aired tomorrow.
1. Lamp/light
3. Tennis
4. Salad
WoF: Thursday's Toss-Up agenda starts w/ an Occupation:
P E R S O _ A L
T R _ I _ _ _
Zoltan gives the right solution of PERSONAL TRAINER, meaning those interviews are starting w/ him:
Zoltan Illes (San Diego)- A Biomedical Science teacher at Southwest High School working on his Master's Degree & training for his first marathon
Hope True (Auberry, CA)- An advocate for recycling, reusing & refilling who's married & has four children
Renita Henry (Miami, FL)- A Marriage/family lawyer in South Florida who also does some amateur boxing
Fun & Games is the $2K TU topic:
F I _ U R E
_ _ _ _ I _ G
Hope gives the "True" answer of FIGURE SKATING.
After Jimmy talks about a trip to Cape Eleuthera worth $9,430, we reveal the layout for the IHOP Jackpot/Before & After Round. Hope has a $500 N but then the Bankrupt next to $2.5K to start. Second, Renita calls two T's for $600, buys an E, lights up a $1K pair of S's while on Jackpot & buys two A's before saying a dud in L. Third, Zoltan calls three R's for $1,650, buys two O's & gets up there two F's for another thou while on that Jackpot...
_ _ A R _ O T S / O F
F _ R E
_ _ _ R A N T S
...& we have fireworks for the second Thursday in a row thanks to his solve of "CHARIOTS OF FIRE" HYDRANTS, resulting in another $7,750 added to the prior $2,400 this round, for a new cash sum of $11,150.
SOLE DUD: $400 L (Renita)
The Mystery Round's about the query of What Are You Doing? What Renita does first is call a $500 G, two N's to add $800 & buys an easy I before hitting the other normal Bankrupt to let $1,050 disappear. Second in line, Zoltan Free Plays three A's, calls for two T's for $1,200 & buys an E, then comes a negative of S. Hope's next letters are trip R's for $1,800, a $600 F, five O's & a $500 FP H, but she then Loses a Turn. Back to Renita, she calls the double D's while on the Mystery Wedge next to that dreaded white wedge & gives back $2K...for her second Bankrupt in this round of play. After Zoltan FPs a $500 L, we see...
_ O O L I N G / D O _ N
A F T E R / A / H A R D
_ O R _ O _ T
...he'll be COOLING DOWN AFTER A HARD WORKOUT w/ $1,450 more, $12,600 so far.
SOLE DUD: $300 S
SOLE LaT: Hope
BANKRUPTS: 2 (both by Renita)
He also starts tonight's Prize Puzzle Round board that's filed under Places. First up for him this time are four N's for $1,400, half a dozen E's, an FP O & two D's while on the blue 1/2 KIA for another C-note, followed by four I's, twin T's for another grand, two R's for $7K extra, a $350 B, a $500 FP G, a $500 M, but then the Million Dollar Wedge's right-side Bankrupt to render the KIA Soul null & void for the rest of the night; also, his $11,250 just got wiped out. Darn. Hope then takes a stab at it...
B E G I N N E R / A N D
_ _ I / _ _ O _ E _
...& she succeeds in solving BEGINNER AND INTERMEDIATE SKI SLOPES for a ski vacation at Holiday Valley in NY worth $5,735, so that's a new score of $7,735 in cash & trip for her.
TONIGHT'S SPIN ID: KH12673 (Karla H. from Nevada)
$3K TU theme's In the Kitchen:
_ _ _ _ U _ I _ G
_ U _
Zoltan takes out a MEASURING CUP to be at $15,600.
It's also Rhyme Time on the next regulation puzzle, starting w/ a $450 N, two FP E's but then a costly vowel buy of A. Hope secondly calls a set of T's for $1,050, an $800 S & a $350 L before we shift to Last Chance Mode...
_ _ _ _ / N _ _ _ T
S L E E _ / T _ _ _ T
...& the remaining consonants have a value of $1,450 a pop. She then calls those three G's...
G _ _ _ / N _ G _ T
S L E E _ / T _ G _ T
...& says "GOOD NIGHT, SLEEP TIGHT" instead of sing it for an additional $6,550 & a decent final second-place bank of $14,285 in cash & skiing. Renita gets gooseegged for $1K & Zoltan's the champ by $1,315!
$30,885 in cash & NY was won in that maingame.
SOLE DUD (prior to big bell): A (Zoltan)
TONIGHT'S BANKRUPT TRASH (excluding 1/2 KIA): $14,800
Maxwell House Big Money Round #31: Zoltan's potentially magic Bonus Wheel spin freezes on the double-star & his endgame category this Thursday's Phrase. The RSTLNE help:
_ L _ _ _ T S
_ _ / _ _ N _ _
CDHO puts in...
_ L _ _ H T S
O _ / _ _ N C _
...but he's wrong w/ FLIGHTS OF LUNCH, FLIGHTS OF HUNCH & FLIGHTS OF BUNCH. If he had only called the F's on FLIGHTS OF FANCY, he would've won...
...$100K- HE'S THE SECOND SUCH LOSER THIS SEASON. That sends him home w/ $15,600 of that.
J!: The second trio in the Tournament of Champions:
Kara Spak (five-time champ)
Brian Meacham (four-time champ)
Roger Craig (the six-time champ who's also the single-night record holder; he went to at least one taping of "The Colbert Report" sitting in the front row & got quizzed by Stephen one time!)
Tonight's Opening Topics:
THE LAST BATTLE (each correct response's a war)
Brian holes out the Daily Double from the $800 clue under The Last Battle w/ a grand to the good in terms of money points; Kara has $1,800 & Roger's slightly in Lock Game Territory w/ $3,800. For the $2K doubler, the clue is:
The Battle of Chapultepec
"What is the Mexican-American War?"...there's $2K. Roger's a little deeper in LGT w/ $4,800, while his challengers for the evening each have $2,200.
SOLE ATTEMPTED TS: $800 (I Have a Preposition For You)
SOLE UNATTEMPTED TS: $1K (Group Countdown)
Post-R1 Scores:
Roger: $7,600
Brian: $3,200
Kara: $4K
(Note: I think I heard Roger say "son of a b#&#!" after providing an incorrect response late in this round.)
Video Bonus: Hilarious wrong question late in the round (NOT a ZONK)
Double Jeopardy! Board:
Roger hits $10K on the head just as he gets one of the two DDs this round attached to the middle Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? clue during some DD Hunting; he leads Kara by $2,800 & Brian by $5,600. Mr. Craig's putting 6/10 of his current score & the lead on the line on this:
This 1928 title character begins as a man & ends, almost 400 years later, as a young woman (but NOT in Florida).
"Who is Orlando?"...yes indeed to stay in first place w/ 16 biggies! And the other one's his at the end of It Came From the New World & he's much deeper in LGT to the tune of $23,600; Brian's at $8K & is $800 ahead of Kara for second. Roger next risks $5K:
Also known as butter beans, they were, prior to being exported to Europe, a diet staple of the Inca.
"What are Lima beans?"...$28,600!
After DJ!:
Roger: $39,800 (LG!)
Brian: $8,800
Kara: $6K
Roger: $32K
Brian: $8,600
Kara: $6K
FINAL JEOPARDY! TOPIC: Countries' Highest Peaks.
These two nations, one an island, have highest peaks w/ the same name; they also share a common European culture.
Response: "What are Greece and Cyprus?"
Wager: $12
Final score: $6,012
Response: NOTHING
Wager: ALL-IN
Response: "What are Australia and Poland?"
Wager: $20,200
Advances to semi-finals w/: $19,600
FB: The last five families on this three-night week:
Wesley & Alida Stewart (Classic Sci-Fi freaks)(BT: Brother Paul & sister Christina)
Annika & Bill Eng (frozen yogurt connoisseurs)(BT: Mom Jenny & brother Cameron)
Kailey & Cherlin Jacobs (karaoke team)(BT: Cousin Diamond & sister Rihanna)
Jennifer & Drew Friedman (she performed in a production of "The Nutcracker" w/ him)(BT: Mom Amy & grandpa Jay)
Haley & Kerry Krieger (who jump right in whenever they go SCUBA diving)(BT: Mom Linda & cousin Elsie)
Brain Tease:
For 10: Spilling a can of baked beans
WRONG- Engs (mom) & Kriegers (Bobby)
TO- Friedmans
For 25: At a Bingo parlor featuring the grandparents, which of these numbers does grandma need to make a Bingo- 40, 45, 24 or 59?
WRONG- Engs (9) & Jacobses (45)
TO- Kriegers
For 50: While inside the Mayfield Mall, which of the given four people got on the escalator on the first floor?
WRONG- Engs (#3) & Stewarts (#2)
FOR 100: How many times did Jeff scream at the scary movie while inside the movie theater- seven, eight or nine?
WRONG- Friedmans (one over) & Jacobses (one short)
ELIMINATED- Stewarts (one over)("Spongebob Squarepants" fatheads)
Brain Fart: Here's some of what it would look like if Mr. Sutphen became President of the U.S. instead of Barack Obama.
1. What was the name of the office he was going to work in?
Kriegers: Triangular Office
2. One of his polices said "Don't bathe, just..." what?
Engs: "...smell"
3. What was the name of the house he lived in?
Friedmans: The Betty White House
4. What exactly did Betty say to them that shared its name w/ the title of the theme song to "The Golden Girls"?
Jacobses: "I'm glad to have you as a friend"
Kriegers: "Thank You For Being a Friend"
1. What monument will be able to make your oversized backpacks smaller?
Engs: BF (Cameron)- The Shrinking Memorial
2. What did that memorial shoot out of its eyes?
Friedmans: Lasers
3. What was the name of the speech Jeff would be remembered for?
Kriegers: "The Gettysburg Address" (A: "The Gettysburp Address")
KO Round Pairs: #1 & #12, #2 & #8, #3 & #14, #4 & #9, #5 & #11, #6 & #15, #7 & #13 and #10 & #16
Engs: #3 & #14
Friedmans: #2 & #8
Engs: #7 & #13
Friedmans: #4 & #10
Engs: WIN W/ #4 & #9
Consolation Prize #2: the singing machine
BRAIN TRIP: After making a successful donation to the ASPCA, The Engs prepare to possibly win a Mongoose Bicycles package, a Kettler Absolutely Waterproof tennis table set & the Orlando trip.
Bicycle Grid:
TIME LEFT: 1:13.26
Table Tennis Grid:
(Note: This was the second time this season that the bonus round reveals were quicker than usual.)
Conclusion of Maya McDoom-Echebiri's Game
Game 2
(Also today: In a trainwreck episode of "Let's Make a Deal", Melinda became the lowest daily top winner of the season w/ a $2,992 home bar behind Door #2 after failing to win the Big Deal of the Day behind Door #3 worth $28,752, which had a Colorado ski trip & a Mitsubishi Outlander Sport; additionally, the aired BD losing streak's at 10 shows.)
Episode ratings:
"Family Feud":
5 PM: 10
5:30 PM: 7
8: "Millionaire"
7: "Family BrainSurge" & "Jeopardy!"
6: "The Price is Right"
5: "Wheel of Fortune"
3: "Let's Make a Deal"
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