"The Amazing Race" 11/6

First Clue (5:28 AM): Take a crowded two-hour bus ride to Salima & retrieve the second clue from a woman's hat at a bus terminal.

Each team has a whopping ONE DOLLAR to spend this week.

ROADBLOCK #8: One teammate per team has to deliver a passenger carrying fish on a bike taxi to one of these three stores- Mudzingovangana Mini Shop, Patsetse Pamlambe or Mtukula Mwendo. After finishing, they have to go back to the start & give back their earnings to a dispatcher, who will hand them their third clue.

SPEED BUMP #3: Amani & Marcus are forced to solve a slide puzzle based on the new Malawi flag that was introduced on July 29, 2010.

DETOUR #5: Dugout or Lugout?

D: Those teams have to participate in Lake Malawi's dugout canoe race & paddle out to some drummers before they can cross the finish line & claim their next clue.

L: Anybody choosing this has to unload the following cargo from a ferry boat before they can continue- two cabbage boxes, two sugar cane bundles, two bundles of brooms, a chair, a fan & eight passengers.

Ernie & Cindy decide to use their Express Pass on the Dugout task to keep their current lead.

U-TURN X2: This is at a Jamaican shop.

PIT STOP #7: Sunbird Livingstonia Beach.

WINNERS (fifth time out of six, but just barely!)- Andy & Tommy ($15K in Discover Gift Cards)

2. Ernie & Cindy (they didn't win this week's prize because they got lost while trying to find that last shop, even though they used their EP)

3. Bill & Cathi

4. Amani & Marcus

5. Laurence & Zac (who U-Turned Amani & Marcus TOO LATE; there's now a touchscreen at that station)

The U-Turn's NOT a factor in determining who gets eliminated w/ nothing tonight...

Jeremy & Sandy
Justin & Jennifer

...The Youngs.


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