LMaD: The first three items are inside the Silver Envelopes marked w/ kinds of power- Gas, Electric & Cable.
Kwabena's Round (dressed as a police officer): Big Box- Trip to theReef ($6,306)(Gas: Jonathan's Termination of Services Gas Bill Summary worth $1.8M)
Dayna's Round (a 27-year-old member of the Navy dressed as a fried egg; his boyfriend Tyler's dressed as bacon): CURTAIN #1- Outdoor dining room w/ Dine With 9 private chef ($6,454)(Electric: Swimming experience w/ electric eels)
Robin's Round (dressed as a bunny nurse): Cable- HDTV trio w/ one-year cable service plan ($3,077)
SB (Jonathan)- Skunk gum
Joaquia (a 28-year-old stay-at-home mom) & Krystal (a 29-year-old teacher dressed as a flower who has an eight-month-old daughter) play Spell the Car's Name for the 2012 Ford Fiesta S (Curtain #3).
Joaquia: Gold- $100
Krystal: Silver- $50
Joaquia: #5- S (---S--)
Krystal: #6- F (F--S--)
That's as far as they go, though- they then choose the ZONKS behind #1 & #4, respectively, both also missing out on another $500.
#2- I
#3- A
#7- E
#8- T
The Purse Item Deal goes to Muretta (dressed as a fairy princess) & Ekela (he's from Maui).
1. Credit Card: YES- RIGHT
(Note: The buzzer didn't sound at all during the first part of this deal.)
Muretta's FR: BB- AjMadison range w/ gourmet cookware ($3,338)
Ekela's FR: $500
CURTAIN #2- Motorscooter ($4,599)
Samuel's Headlines Deal (dressed as a boxer): "Trader Seeks Relief After Small Box Comes Up Snake Eyes!"
DECISION: $1K- Trip to Montbleu in Lake Tahoe
Mariah's News Deal Decision (dressed as a crocodile)(CURTAIN #1): $1,300- Newspaper dining room
Nidia (a Ft. Lauderdale girl who's wearing cheetah clothing) plays the Lotto for the '12 Honda Civic LX Sedan MT (Curtain #3).
Non-Car Payoffs:
Wayne: $5K
Tiffany: $3K
Jonathan's Piggy Bank: $80
CHOICES: #2, #3 & #4
She QUITS w/ Curtain #2's contents- a 3-D laptop set w/ the $1K SonyMusicPass gift card, a total of $3,150.
2. #4- CIVIC
FINAL PICK: #3- WAYNE (Other Civic: #5)
Ashley (dressed as a German beer lady) is about to play a new game called Cash Sunflower. On it are 10 pedals w/ cash amounts. There are two each of the following: $50, $100 & $300. The other four amounts are $1, $500, $1K & $5K. She'll pick three pedals & if she goes all the way, she'll keep the total amount, which could be up to $6.5K.
PICKS: #2, #6 & #7
REJECTED (CURTAIN #1)- Designer accessories ($3,865)
#2: $500
#6: $1K (TRIPLE)
#7: $100- WINS $1,600 ($5K: #9)
THE BIG DEAL: In any event, Dayna's going to try to bring home the bacon for at least herself & Tyler w/ Door #3...she did, at least for a one-week getaway to the Palermo Place in Buenos Aires, Argentina ($10,950) & the six-night stay at the Paresa in Bhuket, Thailand ($15,646)!
#1- Outdoor sports set ($2,090)
#2- Bedroom ($6,346)
On Wayne's cue, Lisa pulls out both a $1 & $5 bill to get another $200, while Brian (dressed as a doctor) correctly answers Jonathan's question of the trader on both sides (Giselle & Lindsey) for $100.
FF: I think today's & tomorrow's episodes on the first-run side were the last two shows taped this season. Should that be the case, whoever wins on that episode tomorrow will get to rest until next season, which will be the first for the "Feud" in HD.
GAME #1: Chamberses vs. Flammias (whose one-day cash winnings total $640)
R1: Name something in the home that you usually keep hidden out of sight. Starting with:
#3: Guns (9)(Craig)
#4: $$$/safe (8)(Rocco)
Joy (who teaches a Kindergarten class of 22): Condoms- X
Jasmine (single w/ no kids): Jewelry- XX
Kirsten: Embarrassing family photos- XXX
Rocco Steal (for 17): Drugs/bong- BOTTOM ANSWER (6)
#1: Vacuum/cleaning supplies (15)
#2: Adult toys/porn (14)
#5: Garbage (7)
OTHER BA: Dirty laundry (6)
R2: Name a reason why a person might not take a date back to their house. For example:
#1: House's too messy (40)(Dino)
#3: Live w/ parents (16)(Joy)
Corie: They're not attracted to them- #2 (20)
Mandie: House's too smelly- X
Sherie: They're not in the mood- XX
Rocco: House's too small- XXX
Craig Steal (for 76 & the early lead): Married/mate- #4 (9)(#5: Have a roommate)(6)
Double: "Rubber_______". Base response (s):
#1: Band (39)(Jasmine)
Kirsten: Neck- BA (3)
Kay (a Delta Skyclub bartender): Man- X
Craig: Maid- #3 (14)
Joy: Duck (y)- #2 (23)
Jasmine: Shoes- XX
Kristen: Wear- XXX
Rocco Steal #2 (for another 158 & to regain lead): Gloves- OTHER BA (3)(175)(#4: Hose)(5)
Triple: Name a word one guy might call another guy if they didn't know his name. This could get nasty:
#1: Dude (42)(Kirsten)
Kay: Man- X
Craig: Partner- XX
Joy: Friend- XXX
Rocco Steal for the Win: Bro- #4 FOR THE WIN! (4)(301)
#2: Bud(dy)(33)
#3: You (5)
1. How much does a hospital charge you for two aspirin?
2. Name a food they serve at the circus.
3. Name something women do more gracefully than men do.
4. Who gives you unconditional love?
5. Name a job in Vegas that makes really good tips.
1. $5- 10
2. Popcorn- 27
3. Dance- 26
4. Mom- 33
5. Stripper- 17
TOTAL- 113
1. $15- 4
2. Hot dogs- 20
3. Dress- DUD
4. Grandparents- LOSS
5. Dealer- 41
TOTAL- 178 ($890)
Their two-game total: $1,530.
1. $10
3. Walk
GAME #2: Heaths (their second chance at glory) vs. Singers
(Note: Last season's blue show background's on the big screen at the start instead of the more familiar yellow one.)
R1: Name something that's made to vibrate. Opening answer (s):
#2: Adult toy/massager (36)(Ryan)
#3: Massage chair (12)(Wil)
Scott (a former swimsuit model who appears to be a twin brother w/ Ryan): Cell phone- #1 (40)
Patricia (a housewife who's been married for 35 yrs.): Mattress/bed- #4 (4)
Onjoli: Massage blanket- X
Ami (a psychologist for children who's married to Ryan): Toothbrush- XX
Ryan: Hair clippers- XXX
Wil Steal (for 92): Pager- NOT THE LAST ANSWER, EITHER (#5: Washing machine)(2)
R2: Name something you do when you get caught in a lie. Here goes nothing:
#3: Lie again/deny it (19)(Elaine; she's married to Robert)
#5: Tell the truth (9)(Scott)
Dale (a stay-at-home mom of two who was also a former cheerleader at the University of Georgia): Make excuses- X
Robert: Get punished- XX
Jim (telecommunications worker): Change subject- XXX
Ryan Steal (for another 28): Smile- #4 (12)(120)
#1: Turn red (22)
#2: Stutter (20)
#6: Apologize (5)
(Notes: When Ken made the first shot at the Heaths after Steve introduced us to them for the first them, he inadvertently displayed their score after this round. Also, it appears to me this was the first episode shot this season.)
Double: According to 100 guys, name a magazine a man likes to read in the bathroom. A title or two:
#1: Playboy (32)(Dale)
Robert: Sports Illustrated- #3 (14)
Jim: Maxim- #2 (17)
Wil: Film & Stream- X
Elaine: Men's Health- XX
Dale: Glamour- XXX
Ryan Steal (for another 126 & to keep lead): GQ- NOT UP THERE, EITHER
#4: Time (13)
#5: Motor Trend (6)
#6: Esquire (4)
(Note: The remaining three answers on this survey were displayed beginning w/ #4, like it was in the past.)
Triple: Name something kids dare each other to eat. For example:
#1: Bugs/worms (57)(Onjoli)
Ami: Dirt/mud- #2 (16)
Ryan: Boogers- #4 (4)
Scott: Dog food- X
Patricia: Vegetables- MUSIC TO THEIR EARS! (14)(393)
FM #2: Their father Jerry's in the Comfort INN Home Town Family Moment.
1. On the 1-10 scale, how would your boss rate you as an employee?
2. Name something you wouldn't wear if it had a hole in it.
3. "End of the ________".
4. Name a food that's messy to eat.
5. Name something a teenager might use to cover a hickey on their neck.
1. 8- 33
2. T-shirt- 16
3. Line- 24
4. Sloppy Joe- 19
5. Toothpaste- DUD
1. 7- 7
2. Underwear- 24
3. Time (#1 answer: World)
4. Spaghetti- 28
5. Makeup- 48
WoF: Remember, the car on the Hawaii set's a Mazda MX-5 Miata. And we're hearing Hawaiian music playing during the intro instead of the usual John Hoke music.
$1K T-U: Thing
_ / W _ _ M
_ _ L _ _ M E
Andy (obviously NOT that one) gives us A WARM WELCOME. And after we meet him, we'll do the same w/ his opposition:
Andy Elliott (Omaha, NE)- A research meteorologist married to Annie w/ a 1.5 yr. old son named Aiden
Rebekah Stroth (Conway, AR)- A Second Grade teacher at Woodrow Collins Elementary School married to Branden who has two girls named Madison (7) & McKinley (4) & went to San Diego just before coming to L.A.
Talesa Harris (Troy, AL)- A Broadcasting & Theatre student at Troy University who can say her ABC's backwards
$2K T-U: Living Things
_ _ L _ O W
L _ L _ E _
Rebekah grabs some YELLOW LILIES.
Monday's Featured Resort: Four Seasons Resort in Lana'i from Hotwire.com ($5.5K)
Monday/Wednesday/Friday Gift Tag: Hilo Hattie
IHOP (which sponsors "The Lorax", premiering in theaters this Friday) Jackpot Round: Same Letter (w/ a Hula doll to the left of the maingame category title graphics)
Rebekah wastes a turn on the Million Dollar Wedge's left-side Bankrupt. Secondly, Talesa calls N for negative. Third, Andy calls a $600 T & a $900 S, buys three E's & an A, says a $500 C while on the Jackpot &...
_ E A C E / &
_ _ _ S _ E _ _ T _
...he says a good Aloha to the $7,300 pot w/ PEACE & PROSPERITY, a total this round of $8,800!
SOLE DUD OF THE ROUND: $300 N (Talesa)
Current Scores:
Rebekah: $2K/Talesa: $0/Andy: $9,800
Mystery Round: Show Biz
On this big board, Talesa goes first & calls four T's for $2K & the blue 1/2 KIA, as well as a $450 H, then she buys eight E's, two I's & three A's before putting in a $2K quintet N's & spinning Lose a Turn. Second, Andy Free Plays the three O's to finish the vowel department for this round, then he calls up trip R's at $500 apiece & twin P's for another $800 & here's the layout now...
A P P E A R I N _ / O N
T H E / _ O _ E R / O _
E N T E R T A I N _ E N T
_ E E _ _ _
...he solves APPEARING ON THE COVER OF ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY to keep the additional $2,300 & retain control.
SOLE LaT: Talesa
Current Scores:
Rebekah: $2K/Talesa: SCORELESS/Andy: $12,100
Prize Puzzle Round: What Are You Doing?
First for this Andy is the Bankrupt next to the Wild Card. Second for Rebekah are the twin N's for 12 bills, a G for the gift tag, the I & two O's & A's, then come a FP E but then D for dud. Third, Talesa takes back the 1/2 KIA she couldn't claim in the past round w/ a $500 C, but her turn's taken away as well after she calls B. Andy then calls $900 worth of a pair of R's, buys the remaining U as the second letter of the first word & lights an $800 T prior to hitting LaT. After Rebekah gets the back-to-back L's for $900 extra & the $300 Y, she says S for sorry. Talesa follows w/ the same regular Bankrupt, so no more KIA Soul tonight & she also loses the five Benjamins. Andy then tries to solve what's up there...
_ U _ _ I N G / O N
A / T R O L L E Y
...but HUMMING ON A TROLLEY CAR is incorrect. As a result, Rebekah will be JUMPING ON A TROLLEY CAR w/ another $2,450 in cash & gift certificate in hand to the Palace Hotel, a S.F. retreat worth $5,200.
DUDS: $450 B (Talesa), $300 D (Rebekah), $300 S (Rebekah)
SOLE LaT: Andy
BANKRUPTS: 2 (Andy, Rebekah)
SOLE DQ: Andy (missolve)
TONIGHT'S SPIN ID: KF9467692 (Kyle F.)
Current Scores:
Rebekah: $9,650 in cash & goodies/Talesa: NIL/Andy: $12,100
$3K T-U: Fun & Games
I N D _ O R
S _ C _ E R
Rebekah takes a $550 lead w/ INDOOR SOCCER.
R4: Song Lyrics
She calls the $800 S at the end of the second word (& first line) & the $900 T's that lead off both the first & forth words to begin this round, followed by an E trio, the $800 H but then a dud vowel buy of A. Talesa secondly calls for three N's at $550 per appearance but then gets her second LaT of the match. Third, Andy duds out quickly w/ R. Fourth, Rebekah captures a $500 L but purchases the other bad vowel of the puzzle (O) after buying the set of I's. That means Talesa calls the next negative of M, as does Andy w/ P. Rebekah takes a stab at it to try to build on her lead...
T I N _ / _ _ _ _ L E S
I N / T H E / _ I N E
...& is successful recalling "TINY BUBBLES IN THE LINE" by Connie Francis for an additional $2,900.
DUDS: A (Rebekah), $500 M (Talesa), O (Rebekah), $500 P (Andy), $350 R (Andy)
SOLE LaT: Talesa
Current Scores:
Rebekah: $15,550 in cash & prizes/Talesa: NADA/Andy: $12,100
Last Chance Round: Around the House
$1.5K is the consonant value tonight. Two called C's later...
C L _ S S _ C
_ _ _ R _ / G _ M _ S
...Andy knows his CLASSIC BOARD GAMES for the additional $4.5K & the crown!
DUDS: N (Andy), T (Talesa)
Final Scores:
Rebekah: $15,550 in cash & stuff/Talesa: $1K GOOSEEGG/Andy: $16,600
GRAND TOTAL: $33,150
TONIGHT'S BANKRUPT TRASH (excluding cardboard): $500
Big Money Round #109: The Bonus Wheel stops on the E in both GAME & Elliott.
Category: Phrase
_ N / _ _ _ R
_ _ N
CMD aren't there, but three O's are...
O N / _ O _ R
O _ N
...you're ON YOUR OWN, sir...& he wins a '12 Mazda Miata Grand Touring Hard Top (Fairly loaded) worth $33,295, making his GT $54,895!
Vanna says at the end that she wants to do the backwards-letter trick, too.
J!: The three finalists are going to work in this two-night affair, starting w/ the following:
Brooks begins w/ the $200 Double "I" answer & here it comes:
Aerial, mogul & acrobatic are the three types of freestyle in this sport.
Patrick: "What is skiing?"- CORRECT ($200)
Soup for $200:
This Creole specialty of New Orleans' traditionally served Z'Herbes ("with herbs") on Good Friday.
Justin: "What is gumbo?"- CORRECT ($200)
A resort area in The Catskills was known as this belt, from the quantities of this beet soup consumed there.
Patrick: "What is Borscht?"- TRIPLE ($600)
In French, the name of this clear soup that can be served hot or cold means "to have made complete".
Patrick: "What is Consomme?"- DOUBLE ($1,200)
Progresso's first canned soup was this Italian-named favorite, w/ a recipe using 10 shovels each of peas & carrots.
Brooks: "What is Minestrone?"- RIGHT ($800)
First clue under Five Flags Over Texas:
In the 1500s, the first European explorers of Texas were from this country, seeking "Glory, god & gold".
Justin: "What is Spain?"- DOUBLE ($400)
In 1685, La Salle missed the mouth of this river & established a short-lived French colony at Matagorda Bay.
Justin: "What is the Mississippi?"- ANOTHER DOUBLER ($800)
Middle clue:
In 1821, this newly-independent nation took control of Texas.
Justin: "What is Mexico?"- RIGHT ($1,400)
In 1836, the newly-declared republic of Texas adopted a flag w/ one of these symbols in the middle.
Brooks: "What is a star?"- DOUBLE ($1,600)
Final clue there:
DAILY DOUBLE! To turn those 16 Benajmins into 32:
Following annexation, the U.S. flag was first raised officially in Texas in this city February 19, 1846.
"What is Houston?"...sorry, it was Austin.
Final clue about Soup:
This name for a thick soup that usually contains pureed seafood's also used for a type of unglazed white porcelain.
Justin: "What is chowder?"- INCORRECT ($400)
First Mock Turtle:
Oh, Mr. Tortoise named for this arid environment-- you've been called the slowest of all turtles; quite a distinction.
Justin: "What is a desert tortoise?"- YES ($600)
Yo, leatherback, you're the only reptile that comes close to being homeothermic, also called this-- weirdo.
Justin: "What is warm-blooded?"- YES INDEED ($1K)
Your heart has two atria, but only one of these chambers-- humans have you beat!
Justin: "What is a ventricle?"- RIGHT FOR THE SLIGHT LEAD ($1,600)
$800 (last clue before the first timeout):
Hey you, the only tortoise w/ a flat rather than domed shell-- not very dignified to be named for this breakfast food.
TS #2: Pancakes (as in IHOP National Pancake Day, which is tomorrow at presumably all locations, for the record)
Can a wild turtle of rivers & ponds really be proud of sharing this name of Ben Jones' role on "The Dukes of Hazzard"?
TS #3: Cooter
First Possessive Actors' Profession:
Citrus fruit belonging to one of the "Grumpy Old Men".
Justin: "What is Jack's Lemon?"- YOU BET ($1,800)
A quick kiss on the cheek from the movies' "Atticus Finch".
Justin: "What is Gregory's Peck?"- RIGHT ($2,200)
A Bic belonging to the star of "Milk".
Justin: "What is Sean's Penn?"- RIGHT ($2,800)
An accounting book belonging to a "Brokeback Mountain" star.
Justin: "What is Heath's Ledger?"- RIGHT AGAIN ($3,600)
For a Sweep:
An inlet on the Scottish coast belonging to a portrayer of King George VI.
Brooks: "What is Firth's Firth?"- OOPS (-$1K)
Patrick: "What is Colin's Firth?"- RIGHT ($2,200)
First bit of info from The World Almanac:
Introduced in 2007, the stamp known as this will always be valid as first-class postage, even if rates change.
Justin: "What is the Forever Stamp?"- CORRECT ($3,800)
A list of "informative and useful websites" includes digitalgallery.nypl.org, NYPL standing for this.
Justin: "What is the New York Public Library...Library?"- YES ($4,200)
Center spot:
This policy w/ a four-word name that prevented gays from serving openly in the military officially ended Sept. 20, 2011.
Patrick: "What is 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'?"- GOT IT ($2,800)
Appropriately, the world's fastest roller coaster (149.1 mph) is at a theme park named for this Italian sports car.
Justin: "What is Ferrari?"- RIGHT ($5K)
The Robert Byrd Green Bank Telescope, the largest fully-steerable radio dish, is in this state.
Brooks: "What is West Virginia?"- RIGHT
$400 Double "I":
This state's all-time high temperature was 100 degrees at Pahala on Apr. 27, 1931.
Justin: "What is Hawaii?"- HAS TO BE ($5,400)
For an aircraft, it's the slow movement on the ground before takeoff.
Justin: "What is taxiing?"- RIGHT ($6K)
Games for this product include "Fortune Street", "The Legend of Zelda" & "NASCAR Unleashed".
Justin: "What is the Nintendo Wii?"- OF COURSE ($6,800)
Final clue this round:
The Japanese call some highly-prized specimens of this mushroom "donko".
Brooks: "What is Shiitake?"- CORRECT ($1K)
UNATTEMPTED LACH TRASH: $1,800 (Mock Turtles)
This evening's Double J! Board:
First Rolling Stones Lyrics:
"Cause I try...and I try...and I try...and I try..."
Patrick: "What is 'I Can't Get No Satisfaction'?" (he initially failed to phrase it in the form of a question at first)- RIGHT ($3,200)
"OO, a storm is threat'nin', my very life today, if I don't get some shelter, oo yeah, I'm gonna fade away"
Justin: "What is 'Gimme Shelter'?"- RIGHT ($7,600)
Middle answer:
"It's down to me, the way she talks when she's spoken to, down to me, the change has come, she's..." this.
Brooks: "What is 'Under My Thumb'?"- RIGHT ($2,200)
"Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name...but what's puzzling you is the nature of my game"
Justin: "What is 'Sympathy of the Devil'?"- RIGHT ($9,200)
Last Lyrics:
"I saw her today at the reception, a glass of wine in her hand"
Patrick: "What is 'You Can't Always Get What You Want'?"- THAT'S IT ($5,200)
First Literary Title Overlap:
"The Canterbury ____ of a Wayside Inn"
Brooks: "What is Tales?"- YOU BET ($2,600)
"The Old Man and the ____ Around Us"
Justin: "What is Sea?"- YUP ($10K)
"A Tale of Two _____ of the Plain"
Patrick: "What are Cities?"- RIGHT ($6,400)
"A Room With a ____ From the Bridge"
Patrick: "What is View?"- RIGHT ($8K)
Last one:
"Tales of a Fourth Grade ______ Lasts Forever"
Justin: "What is Nothing?"- FALSE FOR HIM, IN A GOOD WAY ($12K)
$400 "C" clue:
Nathan's started its annual Hot Dog Eating Contest in 1916 on this "Island".
Justin: "What is Coney Island?"- ABSOLUTELY ($12,400)
The Greek sector of Nicosia, the capital of this country, is known as Lefkosia.
Justin: "What is Cyprus?"- RIGHT ($13,200)
In the center:
This South Carolina (& West Virginia) city's on a peninsula between the Ashley & Cooper Rivers.
Patrick: "What is Columbia?"- WRONG ($6,800)
Brooks: "What is Charleston?"- THAT'S GOT IT ($3,800)
SECOND DD OF THE NIGHT! Brooks bets three grand this time when it comes to this clue:
This body of water receives many rivers, including the Ural & the Kura.
"What is the Caspian Sea?"...he's right to nearly double up to a second-place tie at $6,800 w/ Patrick.
You may want to bring a flak jacket if visiting this republic whose oblast was formed by The Bolsheviks in 1922.
Justin: "What is Chechnya?"- YES INDEED ($15,200)
First bit of Small Talk:
Derogatory term for a short person, or a tasty crustacean of the suborder Natantia.
Brooks: "What is a shrimp?"- RIGHT ($7,200)
$400 European Holiday:
In Lithuania, this holiday's the first Sunday in May, a week earlier than in the U.S.
Brooks: "What is Easter?"- NO ($6,800)
Justin: "What is Mother's Day?"- YES ($15,600)
An October German holiday's named for this world-changing Protestant movement.
Justin: "What is The Reformation?"- RIGHT ($16,400)
In July 1880, this commemoration of a revolutionary event was declared a national holiday in France.
Brooks: "What is The French Revolution?"- INCORRECT AGAIN ($5,600)
Patrick: "What is Bastille Day?"- RIGHT ($8K)
$800 Small Talk:
An old term for a tree stump, these days its refers to the smallest animal in a litter.
Justin: "What is a runt?"- CORRECT ($17,200)
Middle ST clue from Jimmy Maguire in the laboratory:
It may sound like a mini meerschaum, but it's actually this lab tool used to transfer small measure volumes of liquid.
Brooks: "What is a pipette?"- RIGHT ($6,800)
$1,600 European Holiday:
To celebrate St. David's Day, the Welsh wear this onion relative in their caps, or as a corsage.
Justin: "What is garlic?"- NO ($15,600)
TS #4: Leek
Final EH:
On Aug. 1, the Swiss remember the day in 1291 when three of these territorial divisions made an alliance.
Brooks: "What are cantons?"- YES THEY WERE ($8,800)
First Clue from Social Studies:
"Days in the Lives of Social..." these professionals follows them as they deal w/ prisoners, youths & the elderly.
Justin: "What are Social Workers?"- GOOD ENOUGH ($16K)
David S. Barnes' "The Making of a Social Disease" is subtitled this lung illness "...in 19th Century France".
Justin: "What is Tuberculosis?"- RIGHT ($16,800)
In the middle:
FINAL DD TONIGHT! For four more G's:
"The Social..." this plural noun "...Marketing Book" has chapters on networks like myspace & facebook.
NO "Media" from him, so Justin heads back to $12,800.
Brooks Adams' "The Theory of Social..." these discusses the French & industrial ones, among others.
Patrick: "What are Revolutions?"- RIGHT ($9,600)
$1,600 Small Talk:
Six-letter word used by People Magazine to describe Rachael Ray's "Dancing with the Stars" dress (BTW, the new cast for that reality GS will be announced tomorrow).
Justin: "What is petite?"- NO ($11,200)
TS #5: Skimpy
Two thou:
Unimportant, or an old Louisiana term for a small coin.
TS #6: Picayune
Final clue from Social Studies:
Jean-Jacques Rousseau's classic "The Social..." this was published in 1762.
Patrick: "What is 'The Social Contract'?"- CORRECT ($11,600)
Scores After This Evening's DJ!:
Brooks: $8,800
Justin: $11,200
Patrick: $11,600
Brooks: $9K
Justin: $8,400
Patrick: $11,600
FINAL J! TOPIC: U.S. Memorials.
"No day shall erase you from the memory of time", from Virgil's "Aeneid", is inscribed on a wall at this memorial.
Response: "What is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?"
Wager: $3K
Final Night 1 Score: $5,800
Wager: $6,201
Final Night 1 Score: $4,799
Response: "What is the D-Day Memorial?" (Correct: What is the 9/11 Memorial?)
Wager: $6,011
Final Night 1 Score: $5,589
Part 1 of Mike Rowe's "Millionaire" Charity Game
Episode ratings:
8: "Wheel of Fortune"
7: "Family Feud", "Jeopardy!", "Let's Make a Deal" & "Millionaire"
6: "The Price is Right"
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"Uncle Stevie's Squid Pit & BBQ": Qualifier: New Obstacle Opener: Bad Buoys (w/ a lifeguard sitting on the starting platfo...
Qualifier: New Obstacle of the Week: Mashmallows (two giant marshmallow campfire sticks) $500 Ballsy Theme of the Week: Lifeguard Obstacle #...
PoV Competition #4 ("BB Stadium"- Day 29): Shane, Jenn & Ian were drawn out of the bag & Dan was the umpire. In each roun...
Qualifier: New Obstacle of the Week: Head Over Heels $500 Bonus Object: Superhero Smallsy Obstacle #3 Title: Lovers' Lane Final Obstacle...
Josh & Leanne Bartell (Bartell's Cupcakery) Mona Wilson & niece Nicole (It's a Cupcake!) Beth Somers & Milette (Milette...
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- "Top Chef: Texas"- FINALS
- "Survivor: One World" 2/29
- Not quite Wordless Wednesday....The Voices ;-)
- Leap Year Day 2012 Results
- "American Idol" 2/28- TOP MEN
- "Top Shot IV" 2/28
- "The Biggest Loser: No Excuses" 2/28
- Next "Dancing" cast revealed
- 2/28/2012 Results
- "The Voice" 2/27- END OF BLIND AUDITIONS
- "RuPaul's Drag Race" 2/27
- 2/27/2012 Results
- EVERYONE gets to play today!!!
- Next Week in Game Shows: Feb. 27- Mar. 4
- The Week in Review: Feb. 20-26
- "The Celebrity Apprentice" 2/26
- "The Amazing Race XX" 2/26
- 2/26/2012 Results
- "Trucker" update
- "World's Toughest Trucker" yanked
- "The Big Time" 2/25
- "Top Model" notes
- Ratings report for the last full week of Feb. '12
- 2/24/2012 Results
- "project RUNWAY: All-Stars" 2/23
- "Loser" update
- "American Idol"- TOP 24 FOR 2012
- 2/23/2012 Results
- "Survivor: One World" 2/22
- "The Challenge: Battle of the Exes" 2/22
- "Top Chef: Texas" 2/22- FINALE, PART 2
- 2/22/2012 Results
- Current "Loser" season in jeopardy?
- Our third trial-WHAT WAS I THINKING???? OR --SOME ...
- "The Biggest Loser: No Excuses" 2/21
- "Top Shot IV" 2/21
- 2/21/2012 Results
- "The Voice" 2/20
- "World's Toughest Trucker" 2/20
- "RuPaul's Drag Race" 2/20
- President's Day 2012 Results
- Next Week in Game Shows: Feb. 20-26
- The Week in Review: Feb. 13-19, 2012
- "The Amazing Race XX"- PREMIERE
- "The Celebrity Apprentice"- FIFTH SEASON PREMIERE ...
- 2/19/2012 Results
- "The Big Time" 2/18
- Talk show notes
- Third Ratings Report of February '12
- 2/17/2012 Results
- More "Idol" audition notes
- "project RUNWAY: All-Stars" 2/16
- Important "Ca$h Cab" schedule note
- 2/16/2012 Results
- "Survivor: One World"- PREMIERE
- "The Challenge: Battle of the Exes" 2/15
- "Top Chef: Texas" 2/15- FINALE, PART 1
- 2/15/2012 Results
- "The Biggest Loser: No Excuses"- Valentine's Day '12
- Valentine's Day 2012 Results
- DEBUT: "World's Toughest Trucker"
- "RuPaul's Drag Race" 2/13
- "The Voice" 2/13
- 2/13/2012 Results
- Next Week in Game Shows: Feb. 13-19, 2012
- The Week in Review: Feb. 6-12, 2012
- 2/12/2012 Results
- Singer Houston passes away
- "The Big Time" 2/11
- Second Ratings Report of February '12
- 2/10/2012 Results
- Some notes from this season's "American Idol" Holl...
- "project RUNWAY: All-Stars" 2/9
- 2/9/2012 Results
- "The Challenge: Battle of the Exes" 2/8
- "Top Chef: Texas" 2/8
- 2/8/2012 Results
- "The Biggest Loser: No Excuses" 2/7
- Yet another "Price" airdate schedule update
- 2/7/2012 Results
- Note about "Colbert" last Thursday
- "The Voice" 2/6
- "RuPaul's Drag Race" 2/6
- 2/6/2012 Results
- Maybe Not the Prettiest Yet....But How Fun was Thi...
- This Week in Game Shows: Feb. 6-12
- The Week in Review: Jan. 30- Feb. 5, 2012
- Super Bowl XLVI Night Results
- "The Big Time" 2/4
- "Deal" online error update
- First Ratings Report of February '12
- 2/3/2012 Results- SUPER BOWL SALUTE #2
- "American Idol" 2/2
- "American Idol" 2/1
- "pumped!" off schedule
- "project RUNWAY: All-Stars" 2/2
- Big boo-boo by CBS.com