LMaD: Wayne, be very afraid- Ali (dressed as a jellyfish) is coming to greet you. The base item's a T-shirt that says "I Went to 'Let's Make a Deal' and all I got was this lousy ????".
(Note: CBS.com has still yet to post the Valentine's Day episode online.)
Jill's Round (dressed as a fork): Big Box ($2K)- Burbury accessories w/ Louis Vuitton handbag ($5,120)
A Mystery Man's Round (dressed as a baker/chef): Small Box (Jonathan)($900)- Five-night trip to The Manor on Golden Pond in Holderness, NH ($5,992)
Ali's Round: Shirt (also turns down $1K)- 2012 KIA Forte LX (CURTAIN #1)($15,950)
CURTAIN #2- Swiss cheese & crackers dining room
But hang on- in case you don't know by now, ALI'S GOING FOR THE BIG DEAL OF THE DAY WORTH $22,745 THIS MORNING (so it may be a better automobile), SO SHE'S THE FIRST TRADER ALL SEASON LONG TO GIVE UP A CAR FOR ONE OF THESE. We'll get back to her much later.
John (dressed as a Hawaiian w/ a small ukulele) has a chance to win one of those $4,950 Rolexes (Jonathan w/ SB) if he can guess the time that was just on it within five minutes. After locking in 2:50, he immediately quits w/ $500...it was actually 4:05.
Jeanine (dressed as a Dutch person) plays Time I$ Money.
CLOCK PICKS: #3, #7, #10 & #15
1. #7- :05 ($10K left)
2. #3- DUD
3. #10- DUD
Rejected in Sure Thing Jackpot: Home entertainment center ($2,610)(Curtain #3)
FINAL CLOCK: #15- PAINFUL LOSS (Other DUDS: #2 & #13)
Eric's Fast Deal Decision: CURTAIN #2 (one item)- Royal Enfield motorcycle
BB (two items)- Small kitchen ($3,948)
SILVER ENVELOPE (three items)- Three $100 bills
Yolanda (dressed as a flying nun) becomes the Personal Assistant of the Day.
Anne's Round (Red Box): YES ($900)- Digital video suite ($2,598)
Katherine's Round (dressed as a pirate girl)(Green Box): NO ($1K)- Living room ($3,613)
Craig & Catherine (dressed as a fitness couple; they've been married for four & been together for five) play the Four Keys Deal for the Ford Focus S (Curtain #2). They choose Key #4 for their Fourth Anniversary & decline a $5,040 Caravan.com Panama Tour package...
#2 (Tiffany)- DUD
#3 (Wayne)- DUD
#4 (Craig & Catherine)- TOTAL MISS
#1 (Jonathan)- FOCUS
...but their key's only worth $100.
(Note: Lenn made a bad edit in this segment; the key the host was seen trying was #4 from another episode, I think.)
About to meet Jonathan Big Head will be Tabitha (who's wearing bacon & a blue wig w/ a red bow). Board (Curtain #1):
1. Does it have wheels?
2. Can I use it w/ friends?
3. Do I need a passport to use it?
4. Is it edible?
5. Can I wear it?
FINAL DECISION: GO ($1.5K)- Monster van
THE BIG DEAL: Ali wants a trip for her mom (who just adopted two foster kids), but we all know what happened the last time (which was almost a year ago) somebody gave up a ride for a chance to potentially win at least one vacation in the BD Round. She chooses Door #1 like most of those who have traded in automobiles for BD opportunities on this version of the show. Behind #3 was a home gym worth...$6,508, while #2 had The Bank Vault. Is Ali going to have to make a deal w/ Eric over his motorcycle to take her & mommy to wherever she wants to go?...NO, only $2,523's there- SHE'S THE SECOND TRADER EVER IN THE CURRENT ERA TO WIN A BD AFTER GIVING BACK A CAR!!!! Not only is she & mom going on a four-night $7,300 getaway to the PalmerHouse in Chicago (where Pat Sajak previously worked), the set of wheels she's taking home for good's the Nissan Versa SV! Too bad Ali came too early for the Super Deal shows, though.
(Note: Cat didn't play the current BD win cue when her door was revealed; it was instead heard just before the final break.)
Madeline presents Tiffany w/ a $200 recipe to end this exciting episode!
GAME #1: Lees (whose three-day cash winnings total $21,395) vs. Judehs
First Question This Week: It's crowded & smelly- where are you? Face-off answer (s):
#1: Subway/train (29)(Asad)
DUD: Mall (Cathy)
Rami (both he & Asad are car salesmen): Public bathroom- #2 (19)
Tarek (an MMA fighter): Bar/club- #4 (7)
Suhair: Sporting event- X
Jad (who's apparently 18 years old): School- XX
Asad: Airplane- XXX
Cathy Steal (for 55): Gym- ALSO NOT THERE
#3: Locker room (10)
#5: An elevator (6)
#6: On a bus (4)
R2: Name a complaint the family cat has about the family dog. You may need to run for cover while these responses are being given in this round:
#1: Loud/barking (20)(Keira)
Brianna: Eats all the food- #2 (16)
Don: The dog chases the cat/mean- #3 (14)
Tina: Jumps on things- X
Carol: Sleeping in your bed- XX
Keira: Gets more attention- BOTTOM ANSWER (5)
Brianna: Poops all over the yard- XXX
Asad Steal to Double Score: The dog has its own house- NO
#4: He stinks (11)
OTHER BA: He drools (5)
Double: Name something that gets arranged. Light up at least one of the answers, Ken:
#3: Wedding/party (15)(Tarek)
DUD: Funeral (Brianna)
Suhair: Flowers- #1 (47)
Jad: Colors- X
Asad: Marriages- T2 (15)
Rami: Chairs- #4 (9; furniture)
Tarek: Babysitting- XX
Suhair: Closet- XXX
Cathy Steal (for another 172 & the lead): Meetings- INCORRECT (Judehs: 227)(#4: Music)(6)
Triple: Name something a guy in a nudist colony might keep in his socks. Here we go:
#2: (Room) keys (23)(Don)
DUD: Pants (Suhair)
Tina: $$$/wallet/ID- #1 (56)
Cathy: Glasses- X
Keira: Condom- #3 (9)
Brianna: Snack- XX
Don: Jewelry- XXX
Asad Steal for the Championship: Cell phone- LOSS (Lees: 319)(#4: Feet)(4)
1. Approximately how many text messages does a teenager send every day?
2. What musical instrument makes the most beautiful sound?
3. Name a month w/ 31 days in it.
4. "Stop_________".
5. Name a creature that has more than four legs.
1. 300
2. Harp- 25
3. July- 21
4. Baby
5. Spider- 41
1. 108
2. Guitar- 2
3. October- 4
4. Sign- 35
5. Cockroach- 3
TOTAL- 131
Their four-day winnings are at $22,050.
1. 50
3. December
GAME #2: Tiptons vs. Wagners (whose two-day cash winnings total $1,575)
R1: Due to gravity, name a part of your body that's lower than it used to be. Starter (s):
#1: "Jugs" (45)(Julie)
Amanda: Face/chin- T3 (6)
Debbie: Buns- T3 (6)
Ryan: Belly/tummy- #2 (35)
Pam: Arms- X
Julie: Thighs- XX
Amanda: Ears- XXX
Jessica Steal (for 92): Men's testicles- #5 (4; "man apples)(#6: Neck skin/wattle)(3)
R2: Name something you need if you want to be a good kisser. Beginning with:
#1: Nice lips (43)(Amanda)
Debbie: Good breath/mints- #2 (27)
Ryan: Compassion- X
Pam: (Long) tongue- #6 (4)
Julie: Attractive- XX
Amanda: Happy hands- XXX
Jessica Steal #2 (for another 74): No bad teeth- NO
#3: Practice/skill (10)
T4: Passion w/ love & someone to kiss (7 each)
Double: Name something you have a secret stash of. I wonder what the top answer for this survey is:
#1: Money (46)(Debbie)
Ryan: Nude magazines- #4 (5; porn)
Pam: Candy/munchies- #2 (35)
Julie: Liquor- #5 (2)
Amanda: Drugs- TOTAL CLEAN SWEEP! (7; counts as weed)(264)
Triple: Name an object that people often compare a woman's figure to. Buzz-ins:
#1: Hourglass (62)(Vernancy)
Janice (a two-year Pre-Kindergarten teacher at Chestnut Treehouse in Lithonia, GA): Coke bottle- #2 (10)
Jessica (a marketing advertiser who also sings at church): Melons- X
David: Dime piece- XX
Jennifer: Brick house- #4 (4)
Vernancy: Orange- XXX
Julie Steal to Retain: Pear- WIN! (8)(492)
FM #2: These Wagners are from California, according to their Comfort INN Home Town Family Moment.
1. At what age should grown children stop borrowing money from their parents?
2. Name something you get into every day.
3. Name a musical instrument in a country band.
4. Which U.S. state has the most billionaires?
5. Name a very American thing to drink.
1. 17- 3
3. Banjo- 30
4. California- 34
5. Beer- 30
1. 18- 33
2. Car- 23
3. Guitar- 36
4. NY- 23; WIN AT 212!
5. Tequila (#1 answer: Soda)
Three-day haul: $21,575.
WoF: This week on "Wheel of Fortune", the trip wedges are to some American Landmarks & this is one of those taping weeks where a Winnebago Access can be won!
$1K T-U: What else? Landmark
_ A N K _ E
S _ A _ I U M
Brendon solves YANKEE STADIUM. Now batting in tonight's lineup:
Brendon Eddington (Fresno, CA; born in New Zealand)- A country club chef married to Kate w/ a three-year-old son named James
Cassie Hice (Santa Monica; originally from Tampa, FL)- An executive assistant at a production company who collects sea turtle figurines
Unique Fields (Stockbridge, GA)- A Cosmetology student who's working on her Masters' Degree & has six children (ranging from three to 13)
$2K T-U: Rhyme Time
_ _ _ / N O
M _ Y B _ / S O
YES, NO, MAYBE SO for Cassie's guess- yes to get control.
Monday's Featured Trip: The Dupont Circle Hotel in Washington, D.C. from Hotwire.com ($5K)
Monday/Wednesday/Friday Gift Tag: Julian Pie Company
Eggland's Best Jackpot Round: Thing
Category Wipe of the Week: Golden Gate Bridge w/ the category title appearing after some fog & a foghorn sounding
Cassie Bankrupts on the spot while on the Million Dollar Wedge's right side. Secondly, Unique calls two T's for $1,200, buys the E & claims the trip w/ four S's, then she calls two S's for another thousand bucks while on the Jackpot, a Y for the Wild Card. After buying a quintet of I's to clean out the vowels...
T H E / _ I _ H T Y
_ I S S I S S I _ _ I
...she recognizes THE MIGHTY MISSISSIPPI for $6,700 in cash & vacation & retains control.
Current Scores:
Brendon: $1K/Cassie: $2K/Unique: $6,700 in cash & D.C. (WC)
Mystery Round: Before & After
Unique gets two R's for $1,800 & an I buy to begin this puzzle prior to landing on the Mystery Wedge in between Free Play & Lose a Turn. She calls an S, flips...& gives $2,550 & the WC back. Second, Brendon has a $500 T, an E & a couple O's before the LaT gets him. Third, Cassie calls out a $3.5K L & attempts to keep it...
T O _ E L
R _ _ _
O _ / R I _ S
...& does w/ a TOWEL RACK OF RIBS.
Current Scores:
Brendon: $1K/Cassie: $5.5K/Unique: $6,700 in cash & travel
Prize Puzzle Round: Phrase
Brendon begins w/ the normal Bankrupt next to where the WC usually was. Cassie secondly captures the green 1/2 KIA w/ a $1K pair of N's, a $300 S, double E's, a $900 R, a set of A's & three FP U's, followed by a $1K T pairing, the same amount of L's for 11 more Benjamins, a $600 B & the other two vowels. The board at this moment...
U N S _ O I L E _
B E A U T _
...she takes first place away w/ $3,900 extra & a trip to the UNSPOILED NATURAL BEAUTY of Antigua's Galley Bay worth $8,640.
TONIGHT'S SPIN ID: BJ00422 (BettyJo J.)
Current Scores:
Brendon: $1K/Cassie: $18,040 in cash & Antigua/Unique: $6,700 in cash & D.C.
$3K T-U: TV Title
T _ _ / _ _ G
_ _ _ _ / _ _ _ O R Y
Brendon solves "THE BIG BANG THEORY" for the quadrupler.
R4: Occupation
His opening letters this go-round are an N & three T's at $300 apiece, four E's & three I's, followed by a $1,600 V couple & a $1.5K R trio...
I N V E _ T I _ _ T I V E
R E _ _ R T E R
...& he makes the $3,800 solve of INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER (although his pronunciation of the first word was questionable) to move slightly into second place.
Current Scores:
Brendon: $7,800/Cassie: $18,040 in cash & Antigua/Unique: $6,700 in cash & D.C.
R5: Fun & Games (w/ an exclamation mark at the end of this one-wordy)
Picked by Cassie first to get this puzzle going is the first dud all night in N. Second, Unique calls for an $800 T, FPs a $500 H but then buys a negative vowel in I. Third, Brendon calls a $500 M before it's that time for Last Chance Mode...
_ H _ _ _ M _ T _ !
...& the rest of the consonant department's worth $1.5K. He later calls a K...
C H _ C K M _ T _ !
...& says "CHECKMATE!" to the tune of $2K additional; Unique missed out on $3,800 in that round after not coming up w/ that despite calling the C's.
Before Speed-Up: I (Unique), $350 N (Cassie)
During S-U: D (Cassie), P (Brendon)
(Note: There was an edit right at the time of the last FP hit of the night.)
Final Scores:
Brendon: $9,800/Cassie: $18,040 in cash & Antigua/Unique: $6,700 in cash & D.C.
GT: $34,540
TONIGHT'S BANKRUPT TRASH (excluding cardboard): $2,550
Big Money Round #104: Cassie spins the I in AMERICA'S.
Category: Thing
RSTLNE assistance:
_ _ T _ _ _ _ R _
_ _ _ L T
CHMA gives her some decent help up top...
_ A T C H _ _ R _
_ _ _ L T
...she works out a PATCHWORK QUILT redeemable for 35 biggies & leaves $53,040 richer (including her getaway)!
Pat's Full Credit Roll Title: An American Institution
J!: One of these teachers tonight is someone you may remember:
Kathryn Welding (Farmington, MN)- A Burnsville High School teacher whose school's newspaper predicted she would appear on this show; she's previously won $67.5K on "The Weakest Link" & $50K on "Millionaire"!
Mary Ann Stanley (Statesboro, GA)- A doctor/educator at Metter HS
Brad Brown (Nashville)- A Theater director/teacher at Hillsboro HS
Let's get to the topics at hand (w/ a theme):
Mary Ann's in first at halftime w/ $2,600, followed closely behind by Kathryn w/ two grand & Brad w/ $1,800. The Daily Double under the $800 Theme clue becomes the property of Mary Ann w/ $4,800; Kathryn's added a thou to the two she already has in her bank & Brad's slipped to $1,400. Mary Ann tries to double her $1,800 advantage w/ this clue:
The theme for this Tom Hanks movie's sometimes referred to as "The Feather Theme".
"What is 'Cast Away'?"...sorry- it was "Forrest Gump", so the ladies are tied for first for now w/ $3K a head. When we get to the round's end, Mary Ann's back in front by herself w/ $5,800 to Kathryn's $3,600 & Brad's $2K.
Double J! Lineup:
The $1,600 Bible Guy's holding Mary Ann's second DD attempt & she's in Lock Game Territory w/ $15,800; Kathryn's only $400 ahead of Brad for second, $6,400-$6K. Mary Ann's bet this answer's 1/3 of her $9K lead:
"And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that..." he "...opened the window...which he had made".
"Who is Noah?"...he was it to take her to $18,800! The final clue's within Independence Days the remaining DD & Brad's got a decision to make- although he has $9,200 & is only $400 off of Kathryn's second-place score, Mary Ann's still sitting pretty at $22,400. He will gamble...$1K, so he's obviously hoping for a WC berth. In the meantime, he gets this:
Belgium, October 4, 1830, from this country.
"What is France?"...no, it was The Netherlands.
DJ! LACH TRASH (all unattempted): $3,200
Post-DJ! Totals:
Brad: $8,200
Mary Ann: $22,400 (LG)
Kathryn: $9,600
Brad: $9,200
Mary Ann: $22,800
Kathryn: $9,600
FINAL J! SUBJECT: French Painters.
This French painter wrote "I am good for nothing except painting & gardening".
Response: "Who is (Paul) Cezanne?"
Wager: ALL-IN
Response: "Who is (Claude) Monet?"
Wager: ALL-IN
Final score: $19,200
Response: "Who is (Paul) Gaugain"
Wager: $100
Automatically advances w/: $22,300
1. Kathryn: $19,200
2. Nate: $16.5K
3. Lisa: $13,600
4. Elissa: $11,700
Millionaire (Start of Movie Week '12):
Game 1
Game 2
Episode ratings:
"Family Feud":
5:30 PM: 7
6 PM: 8
9: "Let's Make a Deal"
7: "Jeopardy!" & "Wheel of Fortune"
6: "Millionaire" & "The Price is Right"
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