FF: I have a feeling we're going to start off today's doubleheader w/ another $20K win.
GAME #1: Changs (whose two-day cash winnings total $1,845) vs. Vogelzangs
R1: According to 100 men, what would you do if you received an obscene phone call from a woman? The day's action starts off as follows:
#2: Hang up (23)(David)
#4: Tell wife/friends (7)(Mark)
Liz: Find out who she is- #1 (52)
JB: Report to the police- #5 (4)
Eileen: Call friends & laugh about it- SWEEP! (10)(96)
Video Bonus: Gene's ZONK
R2: According to 100 ladies, complete this sentence- "I judge a man by the size of his ________". Let's get this question started:
#2: Paycheck/wallet/bank account (18)(Liz)
JB: Car- X
Gene: Package- T5 (6; known as "tallywhacker")
Eileen: Size of his house- XX
David: Hands/fingers- #4 (7)
Liz: Feet- #7 (5)
JB: Family (& Steve immediately walks to the other family's podium)- XXX
David Steal (for 36): Personality- NOT THERE EITHER (Changs: 132)
#1: Heart (33)
#3: Brain (17)
T5: Ego (6)
Double: Here's another fill-in- "Knuckle_________". The base completion (s):
#4: Ball (10)(Alisha)
DUD: Bread (JB)
Sarah: Head- #1 (32)
David: Sandwich- #2 (23)
Mark: Wise- X
Aaron (who has two nephews): Nephews- ZAoTW NOMINEE #2 (XX)
Alisha: Business- XXX
David Steal (for another 130 & to stay in front): Brain- NO
T3: Buckle (10)
#5: Down (6)
Triple: Name something that people say spreads quickly. For instance:
#1: Gossip/rumors (64)(Gene)
Eileen: Germs/illness/disease- #2 (15)
David: Weeds- X
Liz: Clouds- XX
JB: Wildfire- #4 (5)
Gene: Butter- XXX
Mark Steal for the Game: Yawns- OOPS (#3: News)(10)
FAST MONEY: I would like to point out that the last time a family first two appearance's got shuffled around in the same week (the Rileys on the week of October 3-7), that clan went on to win the Ford Taurus. The Changs are hoping to do the same.
1. Name something a woman stops doing once she becomes pregnant.
2. Name something you might ask a friend to keep.
3. Name an animal that has a bushy tail.
4. Name something a baby does more than you do.
5. Name a sport where athletes often lose teeth.
1. Exercising- 12
2. Spare key- 21
3. Squirrel- 34
4. Cry- 42
5. Hockey- 49
TOTAL- 158
1. Having sex- 6
2. Money- 10
3. Beaver- DUD
4. Drinks milk- 4
5. Football- 10
TOTAL- 188 ($940)
Their three-game haul: $2,785.
1. Drink/smoke
2. Secrets
GAME #2: Chrostowskis (whose one-day cash winnings total 20 grand) vs. Chandlers
R1: According to 100 guys, name something women find out about you that's disappointing. Starting w/:
#2: Muscles (26)(Chelsea; counts as body/looks)
TO- Nate
Ed (father): Money- #1 (56)
Cheri: Manhood- X
Carol (retired): Work ethics- XX
Lynne: Automobile- XXX
Nate Steal (for 82): Still married- ALSO INCORRECT
#3: Personality (8)
#4: Habits/manners (3)
#5: Unable to dance (2)
R2: Name something specific you should never do while being naked. Face-off response (s):
#1: Leave the house/go in public (35)(Thilana)
DUD: Skydiving (Ed)
Kyera (who does the payroll at a sheriff's department): Dance- X
Hakim (a teacher/personal trainer who allegedly has 12% body fat): Skinny-dipping- XX (& he & Steve both say "Survey says!")
Theo (a single father & full-time student): Drive- XXX
Chelsea Steal (for another 35): Cook- #2 (24)(117)
#3: Exercise/squats/jog (14)
T4: Answer the door & weld/use tools (5 each)
#6: Look out a window (3)
Double: Name something that can give you a wild ride. An idea or two:
#1: Roller coaster (46)(Kyera)
#2: Rodeo/(mechanical) bull (16)(Cheri)
Hakim: Fast car- X
Theo: Bus- XX
Nate: Woman/man- BOTTOM ANSWER (6)
Thilana: Riding in a boat on the rapids- XXX
Chelsea Steal #2 (for another 136 & to keep the lead): ATV- NO
#3: Horse/bronco (11)
OTHER BA: Motorcycle (6)
Triple: Name something people get in & out of. Here we go:
#1: Car (66)(Hakim)
Theo: Door- X
Nate: Lies- T2 (8; counts as trouble)
Thilana: Bathtub- #4 (6)
Kyera: Pool- XX
Hakim: Debt- XXX
Chelsea Steal to Retain Title: Relationships- LOSS (T2: Bed)(9)
FM #2: An unknown lady's representing The Chandlers in their Comfort INN Home Town Family Moment.
1. According to 100 married men, how many times per day does your wife criticize you?
2. Name something people sit down to do.
3. Name something that tastes good w/ bananas.
4. Name an accessories kids put on their bikes.
5. Name something you'd hate to find living in your garage.
1. Four- 2
2. Eat- 33
3. Cereal- 17
4. Streamers- 6
5. Rat- 38
1. 10- 16
2. Pray- DUD
3. Ice cream- 24
4. Bell- 13
5. Raccoon- 5
TOTAL- 154 ($770)
1. 1
3. Peanut butter
4. Horn
WoF: Last night, Nathan Chapman had some lucky spins in the second maingame round, but had another great spin at the Bonus Wheel at the wrong time, as he lost the $100K by two letters. Let's see what's on the agenda this evening.
$1K T-U: Person
D R I _ L
S _ _ _ _ _ _ T
Robert gets DRILL SERGEANT. Tonight's special folks:
Robert Duncan (Fallon, NV)- A former Marine who was last year's Military Spouse of the Year for the Navy; his wife Donna's a First Class member in the Navy (& his son Cody's in the Air Force)
Melissa Templeton (Camp Pendleton; originally from Kansas)- A woman married to Marine Corps Captain T.J. for 12 yrs. (& he's ready to go to Afghanistan for the second time)
Kate Sverkounova (San Pedro, CA)- A lady married to Chris (who's been a part of the L.A. Air Force Base's space program for 11 yrs.)
$2K T-U: Thing
C A _ E
P A _ K A _ E
Robert gets on the wrong track w/ CAKE for the first word before changing it to BAKER.
C A _ E
P A _ K A G E
Kate gets the $2K steal on a CARE PACKAGE.
Wednesday's Prize Wedge: Trip to the Green Valley Spa & Resort in St. George, UT from SpaFinder.com ($8K)
Tonight's Gift Tag: The Maids
Meineke Jackpot Round: Phrase
Kate kicks off w/ a dud in R. Second, Robert calls S for sorry while on the green 1/2 KIA. Third, Melissa calls two T's for $1,100 & a $600 H, purchases three E's & picks up the same 1/2 KIA w/ two L's for another thousand dollars, then she duds out w/ an I buy (the only such vowel on the board). Kate next inserts a non-negative two N's for $1,200, three A's, three D's for the Wild Card, but after three O's is a dud of P. Robert's next letters are a $600 F & a $500 C, but he then Loses a Turn. That means Melissa might solve this...
A _ O _ E / A N D
_ E _ O N D
T H E / C A L L
O F / D _ T _
...and ABOVE AND BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY, she does for $2,200 & the early lead by $200.
DUDS: I (Melissa), $300 P (Kate), $400 R (Kate), $500 S (Robert)
SOLE LaT: Robert
Current Scores:
Kate: $2K (WC)/Robert: $1K/Melissa: $2,200 (1/2 KIA)
(Note: I believe Michelle Obama's doing a nightly message just prior to the first break for the rest of this week, effective last night.)
Mystery Round: Before & After
Robert's ready to go & he Free Plays a couple of E's & calls four R's while on the Mystery Wedge next to the Million Dollar Wedge. W/ no hesitation, he takes $4K for them (good, because had he flipped it over, he would've gone Bankrupt), then he calls an $800 S, buys two O's, an A but then the I's the negative vowel for the second straight round. Melissa next says four B's while on that same MW...wisely doesn't flip it over &...
R _ B B E R
B A _ _
O _ / B R O _ _ E R S
...keeps the $4K & control w/ a RUBBER BAND OF BROTHERS.
SOLE DUD: I (Robert)
Current Scores:
Kate: $2K (WC)/Robert: $1K/Melissa: $6,200 (1/2 KIA)
(Note: I think Pat flipping over that same MW for fun was edited out of this broadcast.)
Prize Puzzle Round: Food & Drink
She gets the blue 1/2 KIA right away & $1K w/ two T's, then comes a dud of R. Second for Kate is the Bankrupt next to top dollar, so there goes the WC. Third, Robert FPs two A's but then calls a dud of L. Back to Melissa, who buys two E's, calls up a $350 H & a $500 S & purchases three I's & U's to wipe the vowel slate clean for this puzzle, then she lights the same quantity of the $600 C's & $300 N's...
C A _ U N
...& wins another $18,800 in cash & KIA Soul, as well as a trip courtesy of Hotwire.com to The Roosevelt where she can taste some AUTHENTIC CAJUN CUISINE in New Orleans valued at $5,508, for a total this round alone of $24,308 in cash & stuff!
DUDS: $400 L (Robert), $350 R
TONIGHT'S SPIN ID: EH6996404 (Estella H.)
Current Scores:
Kate: $2K/Robert: $1K/Melissa: $30,508 in cash & prizes
WHEEL Deals! Wednesday Offer of the Week: $30 1-800 flowers.com voucher for half the price; the SonyCard takes away another $2
$3K T-U: Event
_ A S _ I N _
Kate's PASSING INSPECTION puts her at five large.
Last Chance Round: Fictional Characters
The value for the Speed-Up consonants is...$1,600. After Robert finds four N's...
_ _ _ _ N / _ N _
T H E / _ H _ _ _ _ N _ S
...he nails ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS for eight more G's.
Final Scores:
Kate: $5K/Robert: $9K/Melissa: $30,508 in cash & gifts
GRAND TOTAL: $44,508
Big Money Round #97: Whatever she does, Melissa needs to avoid spinning that '...& the Bonus Wheel actually lands on the & this go-round.
Category: Phrase
Let in some opening letters, please:
_ _ _ E / _
_ _ S _
HMDO should give her a fair shot at this new layout...
M _ _ E / _
_ _ S H
...she's incorrect w/ MAKE A PUSH...MAKE A FISH...MAKE A FIST...but she decides to MAKE A WISH at the right time w/ about a second to spare! And I don't know how to tell her this...
...she's gonna have to pay tax & title on TWO rides now (making her the first civilian solo player to win two cars, I believe, since the start of the Nashville road trip on Feb. 3, 2003), because she's gotten an Explorer (Std., Tow, SRadio) worth $29,760! That makes her GT $65,268 in cash & merchandise!
(Final notes: Possibly because of time constraints, Jimmy omitted the "Your grand prize total..." line after mentioning the $5K bonus. Also, Pat pulled a Bob Barker & Roger Dobkowitz by erroneously saying the last time a single person won two automobiles on "Wheel" was on a Seattle road trip back in '47!)
J!: Starting off the College Championship semi-finals are:
Monica Thieu
Tyler Benedict
Weston Mangin
Light 'em up, Kevin:
Tyler's leading the other guy on this panel, $4,800-$2,600, at halftime; Monica's starting w/ six bills. W/ half a dozen clues left in the round & everybody hunting for one of those Daily Doubles...Tyler picks one off from the $1K "M" location w/ $7,400 & has a $2K lead over Weston; Monica's tripled to $1,800 by this point. Tyler gambles $2.5K & first place on this clue:
Founded in 1800, this liberal arts college has the Adirondacks to the West & the Green Mountains to the East.
"What is Marlboro College?"...thinking of that classic brand of cigarettes, NO- the actual name was Middlebury, so Tyler's $500 behind Weston...at round's end, Tyler's closed the gap to $100, $5,800-$5,700; Monica's a little more respectable third w/ $2K as the next round's about to begin.
SOLE TS (unattempted): $1K (Know Your Constitution)
Double J! Subjects:
Monica starts w/ the center On Cable screen...eventually, she has a reason to say "Yay, Physics!", because the $800 clue there holds a DD w/ $6,400 in her till; Weston's at $7K & Tyler's back in front of the pack w/ $9,300. By putting $3K at stake, she could take the lead after hearing the following Video answer from Jimmy Maguire in the lab:
The flying spaceman's twin rotors spin in opposite directions, keeping him from spinning out of control by cancelling out the effects of this rotational force.
"What is torque?"...is correct for a $100 lead! Behind the $1,600 clue dealing w/ The 16th Century is Tyler's other DD of this match; w/ $12.5K, Weston's $1,300 ahead of him & Monica's close behind the guys w/ $10,600. For $1.5K & to move back into first, the answer's:
Named for this San Franciscan, the USA's first public high school for gay students opened in 2003.
"Who is Harvey Milk?"...interesting name & right to be $200 ahead at the $14K level!
SOLE ATTEMPTED TS: $400 (Roget's Meets Bartlett's)
Heading into Final J!:
Weston: $17K
Tyler: $15,600
Monica: $12,200
Weston: $17K
Tyler: $15,200
Monica: $10K
FJ! CATEGORY: Comic Books.
An inspiration for this character introduced in 1929 was 15-year-old Palle Huld's 1928 44-day voyage around the world.
Starting w/ Monica, her final query tonight's "Who is Tintin?"...right on to nearly double to $24,200! Tyler...loses w/ Steve Canyon & a mere $1.5K wager. Weston...is out, too, w/ The Silver Surfer & a modest $6K bet. In any event (w/ a Zerg Cam shot to boot), Monica's a finalist!
B IQ: This is the final night of the opening-round matches.
PRELIMINARY GAME #15: Brian Richards vs. Billy Broadbent
Shawn Hoffman awaits the winner here.
Leadoff Home Run: Who won the '93 National League Gold Glove at shortstop?
Billy: Barry Larkin (A: Jay Bell)
CATEGORIES: Great Pitchmen Besides Ron Popeil, Brewmasters, Left of Center, Retiring Numbers, Not Mr. October, Sweet Lou's Sluggers, What a Relief! & Better Than McCarver
#1: Not Mr. October- Most HRs by active players without postseason appearance (18)
GUESSES: Vernon Wells- BRIAN (2)(Others: Adam Dunn, Dan Uggla, Ty Wigginton, Jose Bautista, Hanley Ramirez, Josh Willingham, Ryan Zimmerman, Jay Gibbons, Carlos Quentin, Corey Patterson, Alex Rios, Edwin Encarnacion, Austin Kearns, John Buck, Adam Lind, Jack Cust & Nick Markakis)
#2: Retiring Numbers- Retired #42s & #24s (8; includes two managers)
GUESSES: Willie Mays- BILLY (1)(Others: Walter Alston, Rickey Henderson, Whitey Herzog, Tony Perez, Jackie Robinson, Bruce Sutter & Jimmy Wynn)
#3: Better Than McCarver- Tim McCarver's Hall of Fame teammates (12)
GUESSES: Steve Carlton, Carl Yastrzemski, Bob Gibson, Lou Brock, Orlando Cepeda, Mike Schmidt- BILLY (3)(Others: Jim Bunning, Carlton Fisk, Juan Marichal, Stan Musial, Jim Rice & Red Schoendienst)
#4: Sweet Lou's Sluggers- Most HRs under Lou Pinella (18)
GUESSES: Ken Griffey, Jr. & Alex Rodriguez- BRIAN (TIED at 3)(Others: Jay Buhner, Edgar Martinez, Alfosno Soriano, Derrek Lee, Tino Martinez, Aramis Ramirez, Aubrey Huff, Dan Wilson, Don Mattingly, Bret Boone, Mike Cameron, Mike Pagliarulo, Russ Davis, Chris Sabo, Dave Winfield & Paul O'Neill)
#5: Left of Center- BBWAA-elected HoF left-fielders (10)
GUESSES: Carl Yastrzemski, Jim Rice & Paul Waner- BILLY (4)(Others: Lou Brock, Rickey Henderson, Ralph Kiner, Joe Medwick, Al Simmons, Willie Stargell, Billy Williams & Ted Williams)
#6: Great Pitchmen Besides Ron Popeil- Pitchers w/ most wins in NL since start of 1961 besides Greg Maddux (18)
GUESSES: Steve Carlton, Juan Marichal, Tom Seaver, Tom Glavine & Warren Spahn- BRIAN
BIG INNING: Gaylord Perry, John Smoltz, Randy Johnson (Others: Phil Niekro, Don Sutton, Bob Gibson, Rick Reuschel, Jerry Reuss, Joe Niekro, Fergie Jenkins, Bob Forsch, Fernando Venezuela, Livan Hernandez, Curt Schilling & Jerry Koosman)
#7: What a Relief!- Most saves last year (18)
GUESSES: Mariano Rivera, Jonathan Papelbon, Jose Valverde, Ryan Madson & Houston Street- BILLY (5)(Others: John Axford, Craig Kimbrel, J.J. Putz, Heath Bell, Drew Storen, Joel Hanrahan, Francisco Cordero, Brandon League, Juan Carlos Oviedo, Chris Perez, Brian Wilson, Carlos Marmol, Jordan Walden & Neftali Feliz)
#8: Brewmasters- Brewers to start an All-Star Game (12)
GUESSES: Robin Yount, Cecil Cooper, Paul Molitor, Prince Fielder & Gorman Thomas- BRIAN (4)(Others: Rickie Weeks, Ryan Braun, Corey Hart, Ben Sheets, Jeromy Burnitz, Ted Simmons, Ben Oglivie & Don Money)
NINTH INNING PROMPT: Most games played in Yankees-Red Sox rivalry since start of '46 (20)
First Bidder: BILLY AT 4
Final Bid: 10 BY BRIAN
GUESSES: Yogi Berra, Mickey Mantle, Carl Yastrzemski, Ted Williams, Don Mattingly- LOSS (Others: Derek Jeter, Dwight Evans, Hank Bauer, Roy White, Jorge Posada, Bernie Williams, Phil Rizzuto, Elston Howard, Gil McDougald, Frank Malzone, Rico Petrocelli, Jason Varitek, Bobby Richardson, Billy Goodman, Jim Rice & Wade Boggs)
FINAL PRELIMINARY MATCH-UP: Craig Nordquist vs. Jeff Stocker
Craig Mulder will face the winner of this one.
LHR: Who was the first Milwaukee Brewer to win the MVP award?
Craig: Robin Yount (A: Rollie Fingers)
CATEGORIES: West Coast MVP's, Not Quite, Kevin Millar, Kansas City Royalty, Summer of Love Superstars, 99 Luftballons, Triple Crown, G-Men & See You Opening Day
#1: Not Quite, Kevin Millar- Teammates of Pedro Martinez to hot 30+ HRs in a season besides Mike Piazza (14)
GUESSES: Manny Ramirez, David Ortiz & Vladimir Guerrero- CRAIG (1)(Others: Ryan Howard, Raul Ibanez, Chase Utley, Jayson Werth, David Wright, Carlos Delgado, Carlos Beltran, Cliff Floyd, Carl Everett, Nomar Garciaparra, Mo Vaughn & Henry Rodriguez)
#2: Triple Crown- T.C. winners since '20 not named Joe Medwick (8)
GUESSES: Carl Yastrzemski, Mickey Mantle, Frank Robinson, Rogers Hornsby, Ted Williams & Willie Mays- CRAIG (3)(Others: Jimmie Foxx, Lou Gehrig & Chuck Klein)
#3: West Coast MVP's- MVP's for California teams other than Maury Wills (18)
GUESSES: Barry Bonds, Jeff Kent, Bobby Bonds- CRAIG
BI: Miguel Tejada, Vladimir Guerrero, Sandy Koufax & NOBODY ELSE (Others: Jason Giambi, Ken Caminiti, Dennis Eckersley, Rickey Henderson, Kevin Mitchell, Jose Canseco, Kirk Gibson, Don Baylor, Steve Garvey, Reggie Jackson, Vida Blue, Willie McCovey & Willie Mays)
#4: G-Men- HoFers whose last name starts w/ G besides Pat Gillick (16)
GUESSES: Lou Gehrig, Hank Greenberg & Tony Gwynn- CRAIG (4)(Others: Pud Galvin, Charlie Gehringer, Bob Gibson, Josh Gibson, Warren Giles, Lefty Gomez, Joe Gordon, Goose Goslin, Rich "Goose" Gossage, Frank Grant, Clark Griffith, Burleigh Grimes & Lefty Grove)
#5: Kansas City Royalty- Royals to win MVP, Cy Young &/or Rookie of the Year (8)
GUESSES: Zack Greinke, Bret Saberhagen, George Brett, Angel Berroa, David Cone, Carlos Beltran & Frank Wright- CRAIG (6)(Others: Bob Hamelin & Lou Piniella)
#6: Summer of Love Superstars- NL OFs to start ASG in '60s (12)
GUESSES: Willie Mays, Roberto Clemente, Orlando Cepeda & Bobby Bonds- CRAIG (7)(Others: Hank Aaron, Matty Alou, Lou Brock, Tommy Davis, Curt Flood, Cleon Jones, Bob Skinner, Willie Stargell & Billy Williams)
#7: 99 Luftballons- Pennant-winning teams since 1999 (16)
GUESSES: Red Sox, Diamondbacks, Yankees, Marlins, White Sox, Angels, Astros, Cardinals, Rays & Phillies- CRAIG (10)(Others: Giants, Tigers, Rangers, Braves & Rockies)
#8: See You Opening Day- Active P's w/ most consecutive O.D. starts (12)
GUESSES: Roy Halladay, Mark Buehrle & Carl Pavano- JEFF
BI: CC Sabathia, Jake Westbrook (Others: Justin Verlander, Derek Lowe, Felix Hernandez, Tim Lincecum, Chris Carpenter, Josh Johnson, Jered Weaver, Ubaldo Jimenez & Yovani Gallardo)
NIP: Players w/ 100+ RBI last year (17)
Sole Bid: 10 BY JEFF
GUESSES: Ryan Braun, Prince Fielder, Albert Pujols- GAME OVER (Others: Matt Kemp, Curtis Granderson, Robinson Cano, Adrian Gonzalez, Ryan Howard, Mark Teixeira, Michael Young, Adrian Beltre, Miguel Cabrera, Jacoby Ellsbury, Paul Konerko, Troy Tulowitzki, Jose Bautista, Victor Martinez & Joey Votto)
Last two segments of today's "Millionaire"
Text recap version of entire episode
(Also: Late in today's edition of "Let's Make a Deal", Dawn won a $5,747 trip to Puerto Rico & $500 playing Five-Card Wayne, but lost the trip to the Bank Vault in the Big Deal of the Day, increasing her final cash total to $2,238. Door #1 had the Hawaii trips that were won at the start of last week, without the $5K bonus.)
Episode ratings:
"Baseball IQ":
9 PM: 7
9:30 PM: 8
"Family Feud":
5:30 PM: 6
6 PM: 7
9: "Millionaire" & "Wheel of Fortune"
7: "Jeopardy!"
6: "Let's Make a Deal" & "The Price is Right"
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- Next "Dancing" cast revealed
- 2/28/2012 Results
- "The Voice" 2/27- END OF BLIND AUDITIONS
- "RuPaul's Drag Race" 2/27
- 2/27/2012 Results
- EVERYONE gets to play today!!!
- Next Week in Game Shows: Feb. 27- Mar. 4
- The Week in Review: Feb. 20-26
- "The Celebrity Apprentice" 2/26
- "The Amazing Race XX" 2/26
- 2/26/2012 Results
- "Trucker" update
- "World's Toughest Trucker" yanked
- "The Big Time" 2/25
- "Top Model" notes
- Ratings report for the last full week of Feb. '12
- 2/24/2012 Results
- "project RUNWAY: All-Stars" 2/23
- "Loser" update
- "American Idol"- TOP 24 FOR 2012
- 2/23/2012 Results
- "Survivor: One World" 2/22
- "The Challenge: Battle of the Exes" 2/22
- "Top Chef: Texas" 2/22- FINALE, PART 2
- 2/22/2012 Results
- Current "Loser" season in jeopardy?
- Our third trial-WHAT WAS I THINKING???? OR --SOME ...
- "The Biggest Loser: No Excuses" 2/21
- "Top Shot IV" 2/21
- 2/21/2012 Results
- "The Voice" 2/20
- "World's Toughest Trucker" 2/20
- "RuPaul's Drag Race" 2/20
- President's Day 2012 Results
- Next Week in Game Shows: Feb. 20-26
- The Week in Review: Feb. 13-19, 2012
- "The Amazing Race XX"- PREMIERE
- "The Celebrity Apprentice"- FIFTH SEASON PREMIERE ...
- 2/19/2012 Results
- "The Big Time" 2/18
- Talk show notes
- Third Ratings Report of February '12
- 2/17/2012 Results
- More "Idol" audition notes
- "project RUNWAY: All-Stars" 2/16
- Important "Ca$h Cab" schedule note
- 2/16/2012 Results
- "Survivor: One World"- PREMIERE
- "The Challenge: Battle of the Exes" 2/15
- "Top Chef: Texas" 2/15- FINALE, PART 1
- 2/15/2012 Results
- "The Biggest Loser: No Excuses"- Valentine's Day '12
- Valentine's Day 2012 Results
- DEBUT: "World's Toughest Trucker"
- "RuPaul's Drag Race" 2/13
- "The Voice" 2/13
- 2/13/2012 Results
- Next Week in Game Shows: Feb. 13-19, 2012
- The Week in Review: Feb. 6-12, 2012
- 2/12/2012 Results
- Singer Houston passes away
- "The Big Time" 2/11
- Second Ratings Report of February '12
- 2/10/2012 Results
- Some notes from this season's "American Idol" Holl...
- "project RUNWAY: All-Stars" 2/9
- 2/9/2012 Results
- "The Challenge: Battle of the Exes" 2/8
- "Top Chef: Texas" 2/8
- 2/8/2012 Results
- "The Biggest Loser: No Excuses" 2/7
- Yet another "Price" airdate schedule update
- 2/7/2012 Results
- Note about "Colbert" last Thursday
- "The Voice" 2/6
- "RuPaul's Drag Race" 2/6
- 2/6/2012 Results
- Maybe Not the Prettiest Yet....But How Fun was Thi...
- This Week in Game Shows: Feb. 6-12
- The Week in Review: Jan. 30- Feb. 5, 2012
- Super Bowl XLVI Night Results
- "The Big Time" 2/4
- "Deal" online error update
- First Ratings Report of February '12
- 2/3/2012 Results- SUPER BOWL SALUTE #2
- "American Idol" 2/2
- "American Idol" 2/1
- "pumped!" off schedule
- "project RUNWAY: All-Stars" 2/2
- Big boo-boo by CBS.com