Sam & Amber (she's getting her PhD & is addicted to doughnuts)
Greg & Maryann (he's an insurance salesman that waited a decade before proposing to her)
Matt & Pamela (he's jealous of her relationship w/ their dog)
1. Some things get better w/ age, but what about her do you say has gotten worse the longer the two of you have gotten together?
2. What's the strangest most off-topic thing you say she ever started discussing while you were engaged in a romantic situation?
3. The average married couple has sex 58 times per yr. Since you've been married, do you say she's above or below average?
S & A:
1. Her patience when she doesn't eat- GETTING STRESSED OUT ABOUT HER WORK
2. Complaining about school stuff- TO-DO LIST STUFF
3. Above- RIGHT (5)
G & M:
1. She doesn't close drawers- SHE'S MESSIER THAN SHE USED TO BE (5)
2. How many kids they want to have- TALKING ABOUT THEIR BABY
3. Below- WRONG
M & P:
1. She's crankier- HOUSEWORK (especially cleaning & laundry)
2. Why their dog's licking their feet- THEIR DOGS (5)
3. Below- RIGHT (10)
SH: Sandals Grand Riviera Beach & Villa Golf Resort
1. Before you & your hubby got married, how detailed did the two of you get drawing up plans for your future, especially him- an architect's blueprints, an artist's rough sketch or a toddler's scribbles?
2. What do you tell Sherri was the last romantic thing your hubby did for you?
3. When you two were dating & hit your first bump in the road, who do you say was more to blame?
BQ: "My husband knows we're married, but sometimes he acts like he's still single when he _________________."
A & S:
1. Sketch- SKETCH (15)
2. He took her to a Doo-Wop club after a long week at work- GOING TO A RUSSIAN BATHHOUSE ON THEIR ANNIVERSARY IN JUNE
3. Him- RIGHT (25)
B: Plays video games- MONEY
M & G:
1. Blueprints- BLUEPRINTS (15)
2. He bought her a bag- BOOK THE TWO-WEEK CRUISE W/ THEIR BABY
3. Him- RIGHT (25)
B: Plays golf- HANGS OUT W/ THE BOYS
P & M:
1. Scribbles- SKETCH
2. He took her out to a nice restaurant- BROUGHT HER HOME LILIES
3. Him- RIGHT (20)
B: Does stuff around the house- DOES THINGS AROUND THE HOUSE (45)
CP: Omaha Steaks
Lou & Karen (she dreams of meeting The Muppets)
Kenneth & Christy (bank workers)
Steve & Theresa (she got pooped on by a bird during their wedding)
1. Name something aside from your wife that you're truly passionate about.
2. "When my wife gets all dressed up, I know that other women are jealous of her __________."
3. By round of applause, or maybe it's just one clap, show us how many times you two have celebrated this week.
L & K:
1. Gardening- SURFING
2. Boobs- BOOBS (5)
3. Five- SEVEN (although it looked like eight to many)
K & C:
1. Motorcycle- HELPING OTHERS
2. Eyes- BUTT (I Do-Over Alert #7)
3. Three- TWO
S & T:
1. Lacrosse- FISHING
2. Cleavage- SMILE
3. Four- FIVE
SH: The Buccaneer
1. Tell us something you say you had to undo.
2. "The last thing I purchased for over $100 that my husband has no clue about is _______________."
3. Inspired by the "Jerry Maguire" quote "You had me at hello", in the movie of your wife's life, she would say "You had me when you..." what?
BQ: When it came to your wedding gifts, what percentage of the thank-you notes did you write?
K & L:
1. He leaves his contacts on the floor- HE THROWING HIS CONTACTS ON THE GROUND (15)
2. Nothing- DRESS
3. Sent me a decoder valentine- WENT TO YOUR FRIEND'S WEDDING
B: 0- 0 (40)
C & K:
2. Nothing- SHOES
B: 25- 20
T & S:
1. His thought process of becoming a teacher- CLEANING UP AFTER HIMSELF
2. Nothing- NOTHING (10)
3. Put your hand on the small of my back- SHOWED ME HOW TO PLAY POOL
B: 15- 0
CP: Single-serve brewing system
The other two games in this quadrupleheader are for trips to the Windjammer Landing.
Josh & Michelle (she's a former Golden Gloves boxing champ)
Paul & Nicholas (who first met when they were double-booked by the same date)
Otha & Stasia (who claim to be closet Justin Bieber fans)
1. Which one of you do you say was the first to bring up getting married?
2. "If you want to put a smile on your partner's face, all you have to do is go to the grocery store & bring back _____________."
3. What do you say you love about yourself?
J & M:
1. Him- WRONG
2. Popcorn- POPCORN (5)
3. Being fun & funny- FUN & FUNNY (10)
P & N:
1. Paul- RIGHT (5)
2. Ice cream- ICE CREAM (10)
3. He's funny- HAIR
O & S:
1. Him- RIGHT (5)
2. Texas Pete hot sauce- LEMON PIES
3. He's funny- RAPPING TALENT
1. Your spouse takes you to a party where you don't know anyone. If you leave your partner alone for a few min., do you think he would be laughing w/ his new best friends, making awkward small talk or pretending to read a fake text on their phone?
2. "Every time I spend time at my in-laws' house, I leave feeling _____________."
3. What's the one thing you're still apologizing for?
BQ: What's something you always do for your partner, but in your head say "Can't he just do this himself"?
M & J:
1. Laughing- LAUGHING (20)
2. Fat- FULL (30)
3. Slow driving- DRIVING (40)
B: His laundry- HIS LAUNDRY (65)
N & P:
1. Laughing- LAUGHING (20)
3. Lack of communication- NOT BEING THE BEST COMMUNICATOR (30)
B: Picking up his shoes- HIS OWN LAUNDRY
S & O:
1. Laughing- LAUGHING (15)
3. Leaving socks around the house- NOTHING
B: His hair- COOKS
I'm glad that there's no bonus like cash or a car for perfect scores on this show, because you shouldn't blow a perfect game that way (nothing against them).
CP: GreenGourmet cookware
Barbaros & Morgan (an Air Force couple who still haven't told their friends they're married)
Eddy & Pata (he owns seven "Star Trek" uniforms)
Dave & Alicia (stand-up comedians)
1. Do you say her guiltiest pleasure's something she eats, watches or does?
2. What kind of public lovey-dovey behavior do you say the two of you engage in that might make a stranger roll his eyes?
3. "My wife is the light of my life, but she's NOT the brightest bulb when it comes to _______________."
B & M:
1. Watches- WATCHES (5; "Keeping Up with The Kardashians")
2. Cop a feel- KISS & MAKE OUT A LOT
E & P:
1. Does- DOES (5; karaoke)
2. Behave like an octopus & a tiger- A LOT OF GROPING (10)
3. Directions- ORGANIZATION
(Notes: Pata performed the fashion work from the song "Bad Romance" on stage. Sherri's preferred karaoke songs are "We Are Family" & "Respect".)
D & A:
1. Eats- EATS (5; ice cream for every meal)
2. Talk like babies- BABY TALK (10)
3. Directions- CLEANING
1. Early on in your relationship, what do you say he told you were into that she's rarely shown an interest in since?
2. According to you, what word would Sherri find a picture of you next to?
3. When the two of you argue, which one of you's on the offense & which one of you's on defense?
BQ: If you had written some tweets after you two first hit the sheets, what one word do you say followed the hashtag?
M & B:
2. Sicko- HANDSOME
3. Him & her- BOTH WRONG
B: Amazing- WOW
P & E:
1. Learning Mandarin Chinese- SOMETHING TO DO W/ HIS HANDS
2. Pervert- UNCLE FESTER (I Do-Over Alert #8)
3. Him & her- BOTH WRONG
A & D:
2. Funny- CUTE
3. Her & him- HER & HIM (20)
B: Amazing- FAMILY
CP: The NY Pass
8 PM: 7
8:30 PM: 6
9 PM: 9
9:30 PM: 5
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